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10-08-2019 01:57 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

Long story short, I'm setting up the Citizen Problem Reporter app so that the public can ask questions and have them routed to specific departments within the county. I'm setting it up via this PDF: 

The script is an addition to the Send Emails geoprocessing tool. I'm attempting to run the script in the Python environment that comes with ArcGIS Pro-- Python 3.6.8. When I run the Send Emails tool it seems to run fine. The tool sets the parameters in the JSON. But, the script is what actually sends the emails. I'm not sure what's causing the errors (below).

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# Purpose:     generates identifiers for features

# Copyright 2017 Esri

#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from send_email import EmailServer
import re
from datetime import datetime as dt
from os import path, sys
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer
import json

#id_settings = {}
#modlists = {}

def _add_message(msg, ertype='ERROR'):
    print("{}: {}".format(ertype, msg))
    with open(path.join(sys.path[0], 'id_log.log'), 'a') as log:
        log.write("{} -- {}: {}".format(, ertype, msg))

def _report_failures(results):
    for result in results['updateResults']:
        if not result['success']:
            _add_message('{}: {}'.format(result['error']['code'], result['error']['description']))

def _get_features(feature_layer, where_clause, return_geometry=False):
    """Get the features for the given feature layer of a feature service. Returns a list of json features.
    Keyword arguments:
    feature_layer - The feature layer to return the features for
    where_clause - The expression used in the query"""

    total_features = []
    max_record_count =['maxRecordCount']
    if max_record_count < 1:
        max_record_count = 1000
    offset = 0
    while True:
        if not where_clause:
            where_clause = "1=1"
        features = feature_layer.query(where=where_clause,
        total_features += features
        if len(features) < max_record_count:
        offset += len(features)
    return total_features

def add_identifiers(lyr, seq, fld):
    """Update features in an agol/portal service with id values
    Return next valid sequence value"""

    # Get features without id
    value = id_settings[seq]['next value']
    fmt = id_settings[seq]['pattern']
    interval = id_settings[seq]['interval']

    rows = _get_features(lyr, """{} is null""".format(fld))

    # For each feature, update id, and increment sequence value
    for row in rows:
        row.attributes[fld] = fmt.format(value)
        value += interval

    if rows:
        results = lyr.edit_features(updates=rows)

    return value

def enrich_layer(source, target, settings):
    wkid =

    # Query for target features
    rows = _get_features(target, "1=1", return_geometry=True)

    for row in rows:
        # Perform spatial query to get attributes of intersecting feature
        ptgeom = {'geometry': row.geometry,
                  'spatialRel': 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
                  'geometryType': 'esriGeometryPoint',
                  'inSR': wkid
        sourcefeat = source.query(geometry_filter=ptgeom)

            # Only first feature is processed
            source_val = sourcefeat.features[0].attributes[settings['source']]
            row.attributes[settings['target']] = source_val
        except IndexError:
            continue  # no intersecting feature found

    if rows:
        results = target.edit_features(updates=rows)


def build_expression(words, match_type, subs):
    """Build an all-caps regular expression for matching either exact or
    partial strings"""

    re_string = ''

    for word in words:
        new_word = ''
        for char in word.upper():

            # If listed, include substitution characters
            if char in subs.keys():
                new_word += "[" + char + subs[char] + "]"

                new_word += "[" + char + "]"

        # Filter using only exact matches of the string
        if match_type == 'EXACT':
            re_string += '\\b{}\\b|'.format(new_word)

        # Filter using all occurances of the letter combinations specified
            re_string += '.*{}.*|'.format(new_word)

    # Last character will always be | and must be dropped
    return re_string[:-1]

def moderate_features(lyr, settings):
    rows = _get_features(lyr, settings['sql'])
    for row in rows:
        for field in settings['scan fields'].split(';'):
                text = row.get_value(field)
                text = text.upper()
            except AttributeError:  # Handles empty fields

            if[settings['list']], text):
                row.attributes[settings['field']] = settings['value']

    if rows:
        results = lyr.edit_features(updates=rows)

def _get_value(row, fields, sub):
    val = row.attributes[sub]

    if val is None:
        val = ''
    elif type(val) != str:
        for field in fields:
            if field['name'] == sub and 'Date' in field['type']:
                    val = dt.fromtimestamp(
                except OSError:  # timestamp in milliseconds
                    val = dt.fromtimestamp(
                        row.attributes[sub] / 1000).strftime('%c')
            val = str(val)
    return val

def build_email(row, fields, settings):

    email_subject = ''
    email_body = ''

    if settings['recipient'] in row.fields:
        email = row.attributes[settings['recipient']]
        email = settings['recipient']

        html = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), settings['template'])
        with open(html) as file:
            email_body =
            email_subject = settings['subject']
            if substitutions:
                for sub in substitutions:
                    if sub[1] in row.fields:
                        val = _get_value(row, fields, sub[1])

                        email_body = email_body.replace(sub[0], val)
                        email_subject = email_subject.replace(sub[0], val)
                        email_body = email_body.replace(sub[0], str(sub[1]))
                        email_subject = email_subject.replace(sub[0], str(sub[1]))
        _add_message('Failed to read email template {}'.format(html))

    return email, email_subject, email_body

def main(configuration_file):

        with open(configuration_file) as configfile:
            cfg = json.load(configfile)

        gis = GIS(cfg['organization url'], cfg['username'], cfg['password'])

        # Get general id settings
        global id_settings
        id_settings = {}
        for option in cfg['id sequences']:
            id_settings[option['name']] = {'interval': int(option['interval']),
                                           'next value': int(option['next value']),
                                           'pattern': option['pattern']}

        # Get general moderation settings
        global modlists
        modlists = {}
        subs = cfg['moderation settings']['substitutions']
        for modlist in cfg['moderation settings']['lists']:
            words = [str(word).upper().strip() for word in modlist['words'].split(',')]
            modlists[modlist['filter name']] = build_expression(words, modlist['filter type'], subs)

        # Get general email settings
        server = cfg['email settings']['smtp server']
        username = cfg['email settings']['smtp username']
        password = cfg['email settings']['smtp password']
        tls = cfg['email settings']['use tls']
        from_address = cfg['email settings']['from address']
        if not from_address:
            from_address = ''
        reply_to = cfg['email settings']['reply to']
        if not reply_to:
            reply_to = ''
        global substitutions
        substitutions = cfg['email settings']['substitutions']

        # Process each service
        for service in cfg['services']:
                lyr = FeatureLayer(service['url'], gis=gis)

                # GENERATE IDENTIFIERS
                idseq = service['id sequence']
                idfld = service['id field']
                if id_settings and idseq and idfld:
                    if idseq in id_settings:
                        new_sequence_value = add_identifiers(lyr, idseq, idfld)
                        id_settings[idseq]['next value'] = new_sequence_value
                        _add_message('Sequence {} not found in sequence settings'.format(idseq), 'WARNING')

                # ENRICH REPORTS
                if service['enrichment']:
                    # reversed, sorted list of enrichment settings
                    enrich_settings = sorted(service['enrichment'], key=lambda k: k['priority'], reverse=True)
                    for reflayer in enrich_settings:
                        source_features = FeatureLayer(reflayer['url'], gis)
                        enrich_layer(source_features, lyr, reflayer)

                # MODERATION
                if modlists:
                    for query in service['moderation']:
                        if query['list'] in modlists:
                            moderate_features(lyr, query)
                            _add_message('Moderation list {} not found in moderation settings'.format(modlist), 'WARNING')

                # SEND EMAILS
                if service['email']:
                    with EmailServer(server, username, password, tls) as email_server:
                        for message in service['email']:
                            rows = _get_features(lyr, message['sql'])

                            for row in rows:
                                address, subject, body = build_email(row,, message)
                                if address and subject and body:


                                        row.attributes[message['field']] = message['sent value']
                                        _add_message('email failed to send for feature {} in layer {}'.format(row.attributes, service['url']))

                            if rows:
                                results = lyr.edit_features(updates=rows)

            except Exception as ex:
                _add_message('Failed to process service {}\n{}'.format(service['url'], ex))

    except Exception as ex:
        _add_message('Failed. Please verify all configuration values\n{}'.format(ex))

        new_sequences = [{'name': seq,
                          'interval': id_settings[seq]['interval'],
                          'next value': id_settings[seq]['next value'],
                          'pattern': id_settings[seq]['pattern']} for seq in id_settings]

        if not new_sequences == cfg['id sequences']:
            cfg['id sequences'] = new_sequences
                with open(configuration_file, 'w') as configfile:
                    json.dump(cfg, configfile)

            except Exception as ex:
                _add_message('Failed to save identifier configuration values.\n{}\nOld values:{}\nNew values:{}'.format(ex, cfg['id sequences'], new_sequences))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'servicefunctions.json'))
ERROR: Failed to process service
[WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
ERROR: Failed to process service
[WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
MVP Regular Contributor


Yes, this question is related to that question. I responded to that thread, by the way.

Pertaining to my thread here, the SMTP Server parameter in the Send Emails tool needs to include the port number. In my case I'm using Gmail. So, it should be:

View solution in original post

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Is this related to this unclosed thread?

No module named 'send_email' 

It looks like it failed in the # SEND EMAILS block, even though the module import didn't fail.

You might want to try to contact someone on their GitHub site

GitHub - Esri/crowdsource-reporter-scripts: Scripts that can be used to extend the functionality of ... 

MVP Regular Contributor


Yes, this question is related to that question. I responded to that thread, by the way.

Pertaining to my thread here, the SMTP Server parameter in the Send Emails tool needs to include the port number. In my case I'm using Gmail. So, it should be:

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