I have a digital elevation model and i want to select the maximum and minimum values within a distance of 100m . I want to use numpy array to raster function to convert my raster to an array .
(1) From the array i want to create a search window of 100m x 100m and select a the maximum and minimm values in the window
(2) I want to assign a value of 1 to the maximum values and 2 to the minimum value if the difference between the 2 is greater tha 20m
(3) All other values that are not the maximum or minimum should be assign to zero
(4) If the values do not meet the creteria, convert all the values to zero
NB. The window should be non_ overlapping so as to get a unique combination of the max a nd min value .
I want to do this for my project of selecting a head of 20m over a distance of 100m and within 50m of the river created from a DEM
It will be multistep
I would suggest using FocalStatistics even though the neighborhoods overlap
thank you for your time . I tried block and focal statistics . the problem is i get clustered results. when i want to draw lines between the maximum and minimum points in each grid it becomes more difficult . my goal is to convert the maximum and minimum points in a block to points the draw a polyline between the two points.
An image of what you are working with would help. I don't understand you wanting to draw a line between the max and min, since they are values for a block and not the actual location of where they occur... that is a totally different process
with reference to the image above, i want to select my maximum point as the weir and the minimum is the powerhouse. the difference between these two points should be <= 100m. My goal is to select maximum points that intersect with the river in a block(100 x 100). if a maximum point does, then i automatically create a polyline (penstock) from the maximum point to the corresponding minimum point. If i use block and or focal statistics i get clusters of these points. it will be difficult for me to determine whether the maximum point lies withing the river .
You need the elevation of the origin point or the destination point. If you have blocks that indicate the desired elevation difference, your next step is to extract those blocks to find the location of the min and max location. The problem you would now face is that the min and max could be beside one another.
Since the weir needs to be located on the river, you might just consider extracting the elevation data using a river polyline and look at the elevation profile in 2D
Maybe you want to have a look at Hydrologic analysis sample applications—Help | ArcGIS Desktop . You can determine the streams based on your DEM/DTM and convert the streams to 3D and analyze from which point you have a drop of more than 20m in less than 100m distance. This would require some scripting, but it is feasible.
thank you for the suggestion . the scripting part is the one that i want . so far i have created a fishnet of polygons that intersect the river. i then used zonal statistics to to find the maximum and minimum points within each fishnet polygon. since there might be more than one maximum or minimum point in each fishnet polygon, i then used CentralFeature_stats tool to find the central point. below is the code i wrote. my problem now is the new appended feature class is not populating with values.
import arcpy # getting inputs from the directory index = r'C:\Users\PC\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb\Clip_index' point = r'C:\Users\PC\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb\cell_point' centre_pnts = r'C:\Users\PC\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb\centre_cells' all_points = r'C:\Users\PC\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb' outname = "cnt_pnts" # allowing overwriting arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #creating a feature class arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(index,'index_lyr') #-------------------------------------------------- #creating an empty point feature empty = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(all_points,outname,'POINT',point) # using the search cursor to find the most central point in a grid #----------------------------------------------------------------- with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(index,["PageNumber"]) as index_cur: for row in index_cur: # starting from PageNumber 20 if row[0] >= 20: arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('index_lyr', 'ADD_TO_SELECTION', "PageNumber = {}".format(row[0])) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(point, 'point_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('point_lyr', 'WITHIN', 'index_lyr') arcpy.CentralFeature_stats('point_lyr', centre_pnts, 'EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE') arcpy.Append_management(centre_pnts,empty, 'TEST') thank you all for you help