I am trying to run the select attribute tool for a layer that I created. I can manually run the tool in ArcMap, but when I write the script the code fails after the copy feature tool was used. Not sure what I am doing wrong, I am using the ArcMap help section to get a general idea of the code that I needed.
I am new to python, so I appreciate any guidance anyone has:
#Import a CSV file that will show you what ASOS weather stations are in the state.
import arcpy
import os
#Lets you write over the shape file if needed
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\GEOG485\\FinalProject"
#Latitude and Longitude Coordinates
xFieldName = 'LON'
yFieldName = 'LAT'
#Output folder
outFolder = "C:\\GEOG485\\FinalProject\\Output"
#ASOS stations layer
eventLayer = "ASOS"
outPutlayer = "C:\\GEOG485\\FinalProject\\FinalProject.gdb\\CurrentStations"
stateLayer = "C:\\GEOG485\\FinalProject\\FinalProject.gdb\\State_ASOS"
#Spatial Reference
spatialRef = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)
#CSV file that will be imported into ArcMap
csvFilePath = "C:\\GEOG485\\FinalProject\\isd-history.csv"
#Select state of interest
targetState = 'NJ'
#Date of file last updated
targetEnd = '20190329'
#import csv file using the xy event layer tool
arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(csvFilePath, xFieldName, yFieldName, eventLayer, spatialRef)
print ("success1")
#Copy features from the XY Event Layer in order to asign Object ID's to the rows in the file
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(eventLayer, outPutlayer)
print ("success2")
stateQuery = '"STATE" = ' + "'" + targetState + "'"
#Select Attribute management to narrow down the state of interest
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(outPutlayer, "NEW_SELECTION", stateQuery)
print ("success4")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(outPutlayer, 'SUBSET_SELECTION', '"END" = ' + "'" + targetEnd + "'")
print ("success5")
arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management(outPutlayer, stateLayer)
print ("error2")
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("C:\\GEOG485\\FinalProject\\basemap.mxd")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrame(mxd, "*")[0]
newLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(outPutlayer)
arcpy.mapping.Layer(df, newLayer, "Bottom")
print ("error4")
You need a 'feature layer' for select layer by attribute, so make it from the
Dan, I don't understand your suggestion, as MakeXYEventLayer also makes a feature layer.
You may have a better luck if you have a better except block, that is, one that will report the error from the copy features tool (or whatever else is failing). It is possible copy features is trying to overwrite a file that has a lock on it or something.
Error handling with Python—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
Good luck on your last week of class! Ho ho!