Script with 'while' loops progressively slower and slower using PyCharm

01-04-2021 08:30 AM
Regular Contributor


I have a script I am running in PyCharm and runs through a couple 'while' loops.  The goal is to run through a series of polygons in a feature class (the first while loop), then for each polygon, start another while loop that adds up line segments until a desired amount is achieved while adding some attributes to a list.  The list probably doesn't hold more than 50 or so items for each loop through, and a file is written, then it is cleared to begin the next loop (therefore, I don't believe the list is getting 'too big' and slowing things down).  I noticed the more polygons I run, the slower and slower it runs as it progresses.  I started logging the run times for each loop and it verified this.  For instance, the first time I ran 10 polygons and it took over 6 hours.  Then I decided to run 20 polygons (thinking it would take approx 12 hours, and it took 58 hours to finish!  I reduced to 5 polygons and it took 1.5 hours.  When I looked at the log of run times for each loop it started out taking 0.1267 seconds for each secondary loop of the first polygon, and by the time it got to polygon 5 it was taking 0.7157 seconds for the secondary loop.  With each progression getting slower and slower.  I noticed when I was doing the big runs of 20 polygons, the last polygon took like 9 hours to complete (whereas the first one takes a couple minutes).  I'm at a loss for what is happening.  I need to eventually be able to run 500 polygons with 50-100 secondary while loops and sitting at my computer running 5 at a time seems not a good use of time.  And just for some computer specs, I run windows with 6 cores with i7 processor, I watch my CPU, which hovers around 50% (I usually have multiple running at once, though I've also tested with just one and it's the same issue), My memory stays around 30% and I have plenty of disk space.  Any ideas on what my issue is or how to speed things up?

import arcpy
from numpy import random
from time import ctime
from time import perf_counter
start_time = ctime()
start = perf_counter()
print("program started at: " + start_time)

# Set environments / workspace.  Workspace should point to a gdb that has all the effort point feature classes
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\bhodge\Projects\Monuments_SpeciesDiversity\SimulRuns\Scratch_1.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# this is the file of the clipped lines
fc = r"C:\Users\bhodge\Projects\Monuments_SpeciesDiversity\SimulRuns\INPUTS_Ex1.gdb\ClippedLines_1to100_half"
# this is the output location for the final output species sightings table
# finalOutput = r"C:\Users\bhodge\Projects\Monuments_SpeciesDiversity\FinalOutputs.gdb"
finalOutput = r"C:\Users\bhodge\Projects\Monuments_SpeciesDiversity\SimulRuns\OUTPUTS_Ex1.gdb"
sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
sightingsFC = r"C:\Users\bhodge\Projects\Monuments_SpeciesDiversity\SimulRuns\INPUTS_Ex1.gdb\All_Sightings"
#### RENAME THIS SOMETHING NEW EACH RUN ######################
finalSightingsOutput = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(finalOutput, "FinalSightings_P36_40_Run_50", "POINT", sightingsFC, spatial_reference=sr)
arcpy.AddField_management(finalSightingsOutput, "PolyID", "LONG")
arcpy.AddField_management(finalSightingsOutput, "Run", "LONG")

# iterate through to run on each polyID (change this number to reflect the number of polyID number).
i = 36
while i <= 40:
    print("starting polygon " + str(i))
    # Create list to keep unique speciesID's
    # speciesList = []
    selectedPoly = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(fc, "NEW_SELECTION", "PolyID = " + str(i), None)
    print("polyid " +str(i) + " selected")
    sort_fields = [["FILEID", "ASCENDING"], ["EVENTNO_1", "ASCENDING"]]
    fc_Sorted = arcpy.Sort_management(selectedPoly, "fc_sort", sort_fields)
    # Create the search cursor
    # find number of records for that poly (count) and convert to int, this will be used to set a range for a random start point
    count = arcpy.GetCount_management(fc_Sorted)
    count_int = int(count[0])

    # create a loop to run through the random trackline grab a number of times
    run = 1
    while run <= 50:
        start_run = perf_counter()
        speciesList = []
        # create random number between 0 and count, call it rn (random number)
        rn = random.randint(1, count_int)
        # print("random number: " + str(rn))

        # j is starting length and is added to up to desired amount
        j = 0
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc_Sorted, ['SightingID_1', 'SightingID_2', 'Length_KM']) as scur:
            for rownum, row in enumerate(scur, start=1):
                if rownum >= rn:
                    if j < 3358.649:
                        sighting1 = row[0]
                        sighting2 = row[1]
                        length = row[2]
                        # print("trackline to add is" + str(length))
                        j = j + length
                        # print("new trackline amount is" + str(j))
                        if j < 3358.649 and ((sighting1 is not None) and (sighting1 not in speciesList)):
                            # print("added " + str(sighting1) + " to list")
                        if j < 3358.649 and ((sighting2 is not None) and (sighting2 not in speciesList)):
                            # add sighting id to table
                            # print("added " + str(sighting2) + " to list")
            for row in scur:
                if j < 3358.649:
                    sighting1 = row[0]
                    sighting2 = row[1]
                    length = row[2]
                    # print("trackline to add is" + str(length))
                    j = j + length
                    # print("new trackline amount is" + str(j))
                    if j < 3358.649 and ((sighting1 is not None) and (sighting1 not in speciesList)):
                        # print("added " + str(sighting1) + " to list")
                    if j < 3358.649 and ((sighting2 is not None) and (sighting2 not in speciesList)):
                        # add sighting id to table
                        # print("added " + str(sighting2) + " to list")
        del scur
        # print(speciesList)
        # see how many are in list
        LenList = len(speciesList)
        # if 0 then skip
        if LenList > 0:
            if LenList == 1:
                # remove the comma at end
                origStrList = str(tuple(speciesList))
                strList = origStrList.replace(',','')
                # just convert normally
                strList = str(tuple(speciesList))
        sightingsInList = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(sightingsFC, "NEW_SELECTION", "SightingID IN " + strList)
        # make sure sightings are actually in polygon
        #### UPDATE this with path to final output Polygons ####
        polygons = r"C:\Users\bhodge\Projects\Monuments_SpeciesDiversity\SimulRuns\INPUTS_Ex1.gdb\Polys_500_half"
        selectedPolyPOLY = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(polygons, "NEW_SELECTION", "PolyID = " + str(i), None)
        finalSightingsSelection = arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(sightingsInList, "INTERSECT", selectedPolyPOLY, "", "SUBSET_SELECTION")
        # Add the selected features to a temporary fc and add the polyID
        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(finalSightingsSelection, "temp_lyr")
        arcpy.AddField_management("temp_lyr", "PolyID", "LONG")
        arcpy.CalculateField_management("temp_lyr", "PolyID", str(i))
        arcpy.AddField_management("temp_lyr", "Run", "LONG")
        arcpy.CalculateField_management("temp_lyr", "Run", str(run))
        # append those features to a new, final output containing all sighints for all polys
        arcpy.Append_management("temp_lyr", finalSightingsOutput)
        print("added poly: " + str(i) + " run: " + str(run) + " sightings to final output file")
        end_run = perf_counter()
        run_time_min = ((end_run - start_run) / 60)
        run_time_hour = ((end_run - start_run) / 36000)
        print("time to execute run Min:  " + str(run_time_min) + " Hours: " + str(run_time_hour))
        run = run + 1
    i = i + 1
print("added all species id's")
end_time = ctime()
print("program ended at: " + end_time)
end = perf_counter()
execution_time = ((end - start) / 3600)
print("execution time: " + str(execution_time) + " hours")



2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Your while loops have a fixed increment and they are nested, Nothing is going to end until both scopes are finished and it will increasingly slow down IF anything has to be stored during the process.

Is there any condition within any of the loops that would allow you to break out of scope and move on to the next iteration of the loop? 

That is, is every step being met all the time?

Are you deleting things as you go along?  (garbage collection is better in python 3, but not perfect and arcpy may hang on to things as well)

Your multiple else-pass statements would suggest your condition checking needs to be moved to a location allowing you to only process cases that meet certain conditions in the first place

... sort of retired...
Esri Contributor


Python isn't a language known for its efficiency in memory management - around loops in particular... Dan mentioned most of the crucial aspects to look for.

On top of it I would say that using arcpy can be quite expensive for performance. Another way to speed up things would be to use more SQL commands rather than arcpy tools - I've noticed you're generating a new table each iteration? adding fields, calculating, etc...

Your fields seem to be hard-coded, so I reckon you don't need them all to be dynamic? so why not just have a "template" table to be used as a copy instead of regenerating everything each round?

Also, for calculations/populating a new table, you can use SQL instead of arcpy.. it might require more work to replace in the code but it will definitely speed up operations. With that being said, when working on SQL tables without arcpy, be cautious that you won't be able to register a new table as a layer - this type of operation should be done through arcpy, and the rest can be done with pure SQL.

You can actually still use pure SQL while using arcpy with less resources/memory as explained here

I'm not sure if it's faster than a pure SQL Python library - It should be the same I guess.


This post might also help you to get some good ideas on how to speed up things by using cursors -


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