Hello everyone. I am fairly new to creating ArcGIS Pro scripts tools. This is the second script tool I have made. I created a script tool I named "Land Cover Change Type Tool" in ArcGIS Pro 2.5.0 that will take input two different years of NLCD data, then Extract By Mask the rasters using a user shapefile input, then run the Combine tool and add some new fields and using Field Calculator, populate the new fields. When I run my stand alone script with IDLE, I get the exact results I want, which in ArcGIS Pro looks like this:
However, in my script tool "Land Cover Change Type Tool", everything pretty much runs right but I get a large rectangular box with unwanted "Unclassified" data/pixels in the product, as you can see here:
It looks like my two Extract By Mask rasters products also have the bounding rectangle in them:
However, when I look up the Extract By Mask tool on ArcGIS Pro's Tool Reference website, there is no information in the syntax about enabling or disabling a bounding rectangle option.
Would anyone know what might be possibly causing this change/issue I am having with the unwanted rectangular box of unclassified pixels showing up in my script tool. Here is my script for the script tool:
#Import modules import os import sys import arcpy from arcpy import env from arcpy.sa import * #Set workspace environment arcpy.env.workspace = out_folder_path = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # Check out the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") #Over write outputs arcpy.env.overWriteOuput = True # EXTRACT BY MASK RASTER TOOL (Will "Clip" Rasters) # Set Local Variables and get user input for NLCD Rasters inputNLCD1 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) inputNLCD2 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) inputForExtractingExtent = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) #Execute ExtractByMask Tool for first NLCD raster. outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inputNLCD1,inputForExtractingExtent) # Save the ouput outExtractByMask.save("ExtractedNLCD_1.img") #Execute ExtractByMask Tool for second NLCD raster. outExtractByMask2 = ExtractByMask(inputNLCD2,inputForExtractingExtent) # Save the ouput outExtractByMask2.save("ExtractedNLCD_2.img") # COMBINE RASTER TOOL # Set local variables for Combine tool. inRaster01 = out_folder_path + "/ExtractedNLCD_1.img" inRaster02 = out_folder_path + "/ExtractedNLCD_2.img" outCombinedRaster = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) # Execute Combine tool. outCombine = Combine([inRaster01,inRaster02]) # Save the output. outCombine.save(outCombinedRaster) #ADD TWO NEW FIELDS AND RECLASSIFY THEM USING AN EXISTING FIELD # Set local variables for Adding two new fields for reclassification use. inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName1 = "NLCDClss1" fieldName2 = "NLCDClss2" fieldType = "TEXT" fieldLength = 35 # Execute AddField tool twice for two new fields for reclassification. arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName1, fieldType, field_length = fieldLength, field_is_nullable="NULLABLE") arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName2, fieldType, field_length = fieldLength, field_is_nullable="NULLABLE") #CALCULATE NEW FIELD for 1st Raster #Set local variables to be used in Calculate Field to reclass NLCD01Clss from FlightPat1. inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_NLCDClss1 = "NLCDClss1" expression = "Reclass(!ExtractedN!)" expressionType = "PYTHON_9.3" # Code Block for Calculate Field to reclass NLCD01Clss field using integer values from FlightPat1 field. codeBlock1 ="""def Reclass(extractedN): result = None if (extractedN == 0): return "Unclassified" elif (extractedN == 11): return "Open Water" elif (extractedN == 12): return "Perennial Snow/Ice" elif (extractedN == 21): return "Developed, Open Space" elif (extractedN == 22): return "Developed, Low Intensity" elif (extractedN == 23): return "Developed, Medium Intensity" elif (extractedN == 24): return "Developed, High Intensity" elif (extractedN == 31): return "Barren Land" elif (extractedN == 41): return "Deciduous Forest" elif (extractedN == 42): return "Evergreen Forest" elif (extractedN == 43): return "Mixed Forest" elif (extractedN == 52): return "Shrub/Scrub" elif (extractedN == 71): return "Herbaceuous" elif (extractedN == 81): return "Hay/Pasture" elif (extractedN == 82): return "Cultivated Crops" elif (extractedN == 90): return "Woody Wetlands" elif (extractedN == 95): return "Emergent Herbaceuous Wetlands" return result """ #Reclassify NLCD01Clss field based off integer value from FlightPat1 field. arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_NLCDClss1, expression, expressionType, codeBlock1) # CALCULATE NEW FIELD for second raster #Set local variables to be used in Calculate Field to reclass NLCD04Clss from FlightPat2. inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_NLCDClss2 = "NLCDClss2" expression = "Reclass(!Extracte_1!)" expressionType = "PYTHON_9.3" # Code Block for Calculate Field to reclass NLCD04Clss field using integer values from FlightPat2 field. codeBlock2 ="""def Reclass(extracte_1): result = None if (extracte_1 == 0): return "Unclassified" elif (extracte_1 == 11): return "Open Water" elif (extracte_1 == 12): return "Perennial Snow/Ice" elif (extracte_1 == 21): return "Developed, Open Space" elif (extracte_1 == 22): return "Developed, Low Intensity" elif (extracte_1 == 23): return "Developed, Medium Intensity" elif (extracte_1 == 24): return "Developed, High Intensity" elif (extracte_1 == 31): return "Barren Land" elif (extracte_1 == 41): return "Deciduous Forest" elif (extracte_1 == 42): return "Evergreen Forest" elif (extracte_1 == 43): return "Mixed Forest" elif (extracte_1 == 52): return "Shrub/Scrub" elif (extracte_1 == 71): return "Herbaceuous" elif (extracte_1 == 81): return "Hay/Pasture" elif (extracte_1 == 82): return "Cultivated Crops" elif (extracte_1 == 90): return "Woody Wetlands" elif (extracte_1 == 95): return "Emergent Herbaceuous Wetlands" return result """ #Reclassify NLCD04Clss field based off integer value from FlightPat2 field. arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_NLCDClss2, expression, expressionType, codeBlock2) #ADD NEW FIELD # Set local variables for Adding new Land Cover Change field. inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_LanCovChng = "LanCovChng" fieldType = "TEXT" fieldLength = 80 # Execute AddField tool to create new Land Cover Change (LanCovChng) field. arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_LanCovChng, fieldType, field_length = fieldLength, field_is_nullable = "NULLABLE") # CALCULATE NEW FIELD #Set local variables to be used in Calculate Field for new Land Cover Change field inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_LanCovChng = "LanCovChng" expression = "Reclass(!NLCDClss1!, !NLCDClss2!)" expressionType = "PYTHON_9.3" # Code Block for Calculate Field to show "No Change", if no change, or NLCD01Clss + "to" + NLCD04Clss, if there was a change. codeBlock3 ="""def Reclass(NLCDClss1, NLCDClss2): if NLCDClss1 == NLCDClss2: return "No Change" else: return NLCDClss1 + " to " + NLCDClss2 """ #Run Calculate Field tool for new Land Cover Change field if NLCD01Clss + NLCD04Clss are equal reclass to "No Change" # else combine reclassifications showing land cover change that has happened. arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_LanCovChng, expression, expressionType, codeBlock3) # ADD NEW FIELD # Set local variables for Adding new Land Cover True/False field. inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_LnCvTruFls = "LnCvTruFls" fieldType = "TEXT" fieldLength = 5 # Execute AddField tool to create new Land Cover True/False field. arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_LnCvTruFls, fieldType, field_length = fieldLength, field_is_nullable = "NULLABLE") # CALCULATE NEW FIELD # Set local variables to be used in Calculate Field for new Land Cover Change field inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_LnCvTruFls = "LnCvTruFls" expression = "Reclass(!NLCDClss1!, !NLCDClss2!)" expressionType = "PYTHON_9.3" # Code Block for Calculate Field to show O for "No Change" and 1 for "Change" codeBlock4 ="""def Reclass(NLCDClss1, NLCDClss2): if NLCDClss1 == NLCDClss2: return False else: return True """ #Run Calculate Field tool for new Land Cover True/False field arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_LnCvTruFls, expression, expressionType, codeBlock4) # ADD NEW FIELD AND CALCULATE THE SQUARE KILOMETERS OF UNIQUE CLASS CHANGES # Set local variables for Adding new Area Square Kilometer field. inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_Area_sqkm = "Area_sqkm" fieldType = "DOUBLE" # Execute AddField tool to create new Area Square Kilometer field. arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_Area_sqkm, fieldType, field_is_nullable = "NULLABLE") #CALCULATE NEW FIELD #Set local variables to be used in Calculate Field for new Area Square Kilometer field inFeatures = outCombinedRaster fieldName_Area_sqkm2 = "Area_sqkm" expression = "(!Count! * 900) / 1000" expressionType = "PYTHON_9.3" #Run Calculate Field tool for new Land Cover True/False field arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName_Area_sqkm2, expression, expressionType) #Tell user if Script ran successfully. print("Successfully Extracted, Combined, and Populated New Fields of NLCD Data")
Solved! Go to Solution.
So added this and had my script run the ExtractByMask tool a second time at the very end,
finalRaster = ExtractByMask(outCombinedRaster, inputForExtractingExtent)
and got the results I needed!
I'm wondering if this part of my script is what is causing the bounding rectangle:
#Execute ExtractByMask Tool for first NLCD raster.
outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inputNLCD1,inputForExtractingExtent)
# Save the ouput
#Execute ExtractByMask Tool for second NLCD raster.
outExtractByMask2 = ExtractByMask(inputNLCD2,inputForExtractingExtent)
# Save the ouput
# Set local variables for Combine tool.
inRaster01 = out_folder_path + "/ExtractedNLCD_1.img"
inRaster02 = out_folder_path + "/ExtractedNLCD_2.img"
outCombinedRaster = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
# Execute Combine tool.
outCombine = Combine([inRaster01,inRaster02])
# Save the output.
Should I just use
as my variable inputs for Executing Combine Tool? So,
outCombine = Combine([outExtractByMask,outExtractByMask2])
So added this and had my script run the ExtractByMask tool a second time at the very end,
finalRaster = ExtractByMask(outCombinedRaster, inputForExtractingExtent)
and got the results I needed!
I'm wondering if this part of my script is what is causing the bounding rectangle:
#Execute ExtractByMask Tool for first NLCD raster.
outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inputNLCD1,inputForExtractingExtent)
# Save the ouput
#Execute ExtractByMask Tool for second NLCD raster.
outExtractByMask2 = ExtractByMask(inputNLCD2,inputForExtractingExtent)
# Save the ouput
# Set local variables for Combine tool.
inRaster01 = out_folder_path + "/ExtractedNLCD_1.img"
inRaster02 = out_folder_path + "/ExtractedNLCD_2.img"
outCombinedRaster = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
# Execute Combine tool.
outCombine = Combine([inRaster01,inRaster02])
# Save the output.
Should I just use
as my variable inputs for Executing Combine Tool? So,
outCombine = Combine([outExtractByMask,outExtractByMask2])