I am trying to apply a python script to a script tool so i can use in ArcMap. This portion of the script when put into ArcMap's python window runs fine, it adds the out put of the output's of "1 Miles" and "2 Miles" to TOC of the MXD and then proceeds to do the Merge, updatecursor and remove the outputs fine.
Runs fine in ArcMaps python window
import arcpy, os
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "SUBJECT_PROPERTY")[0]
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]
#lyrpath = lyr.workspacePath
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.dirname(mxd.filePath)
wp = os.path.dirname(mxd.filePath)
lyr.replaceDataSource(wp, "SHAPEFILE_WORKSPACE", SP, True )
df.extent = lyr.getSelectedExtent()
df.scale = 24000
lyr.replaceDataSource(wp, "SHAPEFILE_WORKSPACE", SP, True )
if arcpy.ListFields(SP, "BUFF_DIST"):
print "Field exists"
distances = ["1 Mile", "2 Mile"]
for distance in distances:
outfile = distance #"wp%s" % distance
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(SP, outfile, distance, "FULL", "ROUND", "", "BUFF_DIST")
arcpy.Merge_management(["1 Mile","2 Mile"], "1_2")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("1_2" , "BUFF_DIST") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == 5280:
row[0] = 1
elif row[0] == 10560:
row[0] = 2
del row
wp1 = "1 Mile"
if arcpy.Exists(wp1):
arcpy.Delete_management("1 Mile")
wp2 = "2 Mile"
if arcpy.Exists(wp2):
arcpy.Delete_management("2 Mile")
A12 = "1_2"
if arcpy.Exists(A12):
When i create a script tool and it runs but then i get an error at line 57, ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.ERROR 000732: Input Datasets: Dataset '1 Mile';'2 Mile' does not exist or is not supportedFailed to execute (Merge).
I can see that the the "1 Miles" and "2 Miles" get created but not added to the TOC of the MXD. which i think is why it error's out at the Merge process.
Error's out and does not add the "1 Miles" and "2 Miles" to the TOC.
import arcpy, string, os
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "TAXLOTS")[0]
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.dirname(mxd.filePath)
wp = os.path.dirname(mxd.filePath)
values = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
fieldName = "DXF_TEXT"
values = values.split(";") # split values into list
values = ["'{0}'".format(v) for v in values] # add single quotes
whereClause = "{0} IN ({1})".format(fieldName, ",".join(values))
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "NEW_SELECTION", whereClause)
Name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
for elm in arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT"):
if elm.text == "Template":
elm.text = Name
df.extent = lyr.getSelectedExtent()
df.scale = 24000
if int(arcpy.GetCount_management("TAXLOTS").getOutput(0)) > 0:
arcpy.Select_analysis("TAXLOTS", "SUBJECT_PROPERTY")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("TAXLOTS", "CLEAR_SELECTION")
del lyr
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "SUBJECT_PROPERTY")[0]
lyr.replaceDataSource(wp, "SHAPEFILE_WORKSPACE", SP, True )
if arcpy.ListFields(SP, "BUFF_DIST"):
print "Field exists"
distances = ["1 Mile", "2 Mile"]
for distance in distances:
outfile = distance #('In_memory/% distance') #"wp%s" % distance
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(SP, outfile, distance, "FULL", "ROUND", "", "BUFF_DIST")
arcpy.Merge_management(["1 Mile","2 Mile"], "1_2")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("1_2" , "BUFF_DIST") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == 5280:
row[0] = 1
elif row[0] == 10560:
row[0] = 2
del row
del mxd, lyr
why doesn't the script add "1 Miles" and "2 Miles" to the TOC of the MXD?
Can the Buffer Analysis and Merge be done in "in_memory\ ". if so how? i have tried to set the buffer analysis in memory but i am not sure how to set two distances in_memory.
Whether this is your main problem or not, you can't create a geodatabase feature class (regardless of being in-memory or not) that starts with a number. I also don't believe it can contain a space.
Sorry, not sure what you mean by you "you can't create a geodatabase feature class" I mean i do know what you mean but i am not putting or exporting to a geodatabase. The buffer analysis is just exporting them to the workspace folder.
I mention that my problem is that after the buffer analysis runs it doesn't add the output to the TOC. I would still like to know why it doesn't add the output to the TOC but...
I guess i don't need it to add it the TOC i just need Merge the "1 Miles" & "2 Mile" shapefiels together and update the Buff_Dist field.
I tried the following but no luck
arcpy.Merge_management(shplist, os.path.join(out, "B1_2"))
Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000468: Input shape types are not equal
Failed to execute (Merge).
distances = ["1 Mile", "2 Mile"]
for distance in distances:
outfile = distance #('In_memory/% distance') #"wp%s" % distance
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(SP, outfile, distance, "FULL", "ROUND", "", "BUFF_DIST")
out = arcpy.env.workspace
shplist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(["1 Mile", "2 Mile"])
arcpy.Merge_management(shplist, os.path.join(out, "B1_2"))
ListFeatureClasses—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
the second parameter doesn't want the names of the featureclasses, it wants the feature type. And if you want to omit parameters you have to name the parameter you are using, So basically it has no clue what you are trying to list since the wildcard for the first parameter is being specified as your list and the remaining parameters get ignored. Check the syntax in the help. If you want to use two specific feature parameters, just use them and call them by name.
Merge—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop use the featureclasses in here, skip the listFC stuff
I tried just calling them out by name but i ge the Error 000732 Dataset 1Mile;2Mile does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (Merge). I am currently trying to do this out of scrip tool to run inside ArcMap. The "1 Mile" and "2 Mile" shp get created, i can see them inside the workspace folder. I guess i need to somehow merge the "1 Mile" and "2 Mile" in side the workspace folder.
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.dirname(mxd.filePath)
wp = os.path.dirname(mxd.filePath)
distances = ["1 Mile", "2 Mile"]
for distance in distances:
outfile = distance
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(SP, outfile, distance, "FULL", "ROUND", "", "ToBufDist")
#out = arcpy.env.workspace
lyr = ["1 Mile", "2 Mile"]
arcpy.Merge_management(lyr, os.path.join(wp, "1_2"))
could be those file names ... '1 Mile' .... begins with a number, contains a space... going to a shapefile would probably cause a hiccup, maybe a featureclass? but you say the script says it can't be found or is not supported, but you can add it manually (?) ... if you can add it manually and are intent on using a filename like that, at least you have a workaround.