It's a surprise to me that ArcGIS Pro changes the python code in my script tool when I pack the project and upload the ppkx to ArcGIS Online.
Here is the first a few lines of code for one script tool in the unpacked ppkx, please pay attention to the codes between "Esri start of added imports" and "Esri end of added variables"
# Esri start of added imports
import sys, os, arcpy
# Esri end of added imports
# Esri start of added variables
g_ESRI_variable_1 = "EventID = '{}'"
g_ESRI_variable_2 = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scriptWorkspace,'..\\..\\..\\Users\\simoxu
\\RDA Tools for ArcGIS Pro\\p20\\current_checkout_attachments')
# Esri end of added variables
# Name: rda_checkout
# Purpose: checkout the assessment for a specific event and map it
# Author: simoxu
# Created: 27/07/2018
from arcpy import da
import os,sys
import shutil
In one place in my original code, I have the following line:
checkout_image_path= os.path.join(homefolder,"current_checkout_attachments")
But it was replaced with the following code, which is causing fatal error for the tool itself.
checkout_image_path= os.path.join(homefolder,g_ESRI_variable_2)
It's quite strange that ArcGIS Pro packaging tool will change my code without informing me --- I only found out this when I shared the project package with others and then was told the tools could not run properly.
Is it only me? Any advice?
I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.2.1, by the way.
Yes, I removed the history completely. I seriously think this is a bug in the Package Project tool.
It makes sense to analyze the code when you publish the geoprocessing tool as a service and make sure all the folders used in the code are accessible by the server, But as a project package, this process is not needed and the folders are relative to the project folder, which will be created when you unpack the project in ArcGIS Pro.
I agree... it is that user folder with your name that still bugs me... don't know why it appears, unless your data were in it or it belongs to history
A bug related to this topic has been confirmed by ESRI.
#BUG-000116650 Python script within the default toolbox in a project is appended with an invalid directory path after sharing the project as a project package.