How does one restrict the input datasets to a certain coordinate system projection?
I think it involves setting up some kind of parameter dependency filter that I have been writing in the def getParameterInfo(self): section of a python script.
param03 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = 'Input Regional DAMAGE_POINTS_FLAT_ALBERS dataset(s) from file (no need to load into the Table of Contents)',
name = 'Input_Regional_Damage_Point_Dataset',
datatype = 'DEFeatureClass',
parameterType = "Required",
direction = "Input",
multiValue = True)
param03.filter.list = ["Point","Multipoint"]
I also want to restrict this points and multipoints to the albers projection (or any specific coordinate system).
I presume it is something like this, but have been unable to figure it exactly out:
perhaps with enviroment worked in: param03.parameterDependencies.environment
Thanks, for I am a python novice willing to jump in and try to figure out syntax, but have had no formal python training.
Provide the check and if it isn't what you want, bail.
from arcpy.da import Describe
# Spatial reference object
def get_SR(in_fc, verbose=False):
"""Return the spatial reference of a featureclass."""
desc = Describe(in_fc)
SR = desc['spatialReference']
if verbose:
print("SR name: {} factory code: {}".format(, SR.factoryCode))
return SR
Note that "Describe" in the 'da' module has a 'spatialReference' access point. On line 9, you can use a variety of things (name, factoryCode etc) to compare against. so just pull in the information from the featureclass, get its SR and compare, bailing if it doesn't match