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Reduce points in Point feature from a 30 meter DEM raster

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11-09-2015 03:48 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have created a point feature from a 30 meter DEM raster and I would like to reduce the number of points (decimate) - the number of points are too large to manage. Is there a toolbox for this or can this be done with the select attribute tool. Thanks.

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23 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor
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Emerging Contributor

Thanks Curtis,

I’ll give this a try.


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Frequent Contributor

Or you could create a new attribute (call it modulo) and populate it with a modulo value using the Object ID and a value of say 10, then select all the records with a modulo value of 0 and and export only those records ( 1/10th of those originall records) to a CSV.  That way you could preserve the original point values of the 30 m DEM and not end up with the point values of the resampled surface.

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MVP Emeritus

spatial sampling or attribute sampling has already been suggested, apparently, preservation of the original attributes does not appear to be the main criterion, the need for file size reduction by an aggregation is sufficient should that be the over-riding factor

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