I am still somewhat raw with python, although I am learning and trying to develop some tools. What I do need help with is a script tool which creates an index of rasters. It was created by someone who no longer works here anymore. He was fairly advanced with python and he created a wide variety of script tools. The tool in question does almost exactly what I need, however I would like it to avoid certain file extensions (.OVR, .TOC). I am just unsure of where to place a statement in the code to have these file types ignored.
Hopefully someone can help out.
Here is the code
# Description:
# Generate footprints for all raster products within a directory. Can
# optionally perform a recursive traverse to find all rasters within the
# tree.
# Produces a single shapefile output with attributes to identify each raster
# dataset found.
# ArcGIS Version: 10.0
# Python Version: 2.6
import arcpy
import datetime
import os
import sys
def message(msg, severity=0):
"""Notify the user of some event with a message.
Arcpy does not print messages to command line, and print statements
do not appear within the Arc runtime. This method can act as a global
notification system for both environments.
# print a message to the command line
print msg
# notify the user within the arc environment
# splits a message on \n, making a notification for each line in a
# multiline string
for string in msg.split('\n'):
# add message under appropriate severity
if severity == 0:
elif severity == 1:
elif severity == 2:
# ignore errors
def listRasters(rasterTypes = "ALL"):
"""Generate a list of rasters found within a workspace."""
# keep a list of all files for all types
foundFiles = []
if rasterTypes == "ALL":
# just gather all file types
foundFiles = arcpy.ListRasters("*", rasterTypes)
# arcpy will not let us specify multiple file types to search for, so
# we replicate that ability by appending the file lists for each
# specified file type.
fileTypes = rasterTypes.split(';')
for fileType in fileTypes:
foundFiles.extend(arcpy.ListRasters("*", fileType))
# return all discovered files
return foundFiles
def processRasterList(shapefile, rasterList):
"""Process a list of rasters into coordinates and attributes."""
# make sure there is some data to be processed
# if no data is found, notify the user and move on
if not len(rasterList):
message("No rasters found.")
# notify the user work is starting
message("Processing %d rasters." % len(rasterList))
"Processing rasters...",
# keep track of if we find any projected data
projDataFound = False
for rasterStr in rasterList:
# inform the user which raster is being processed
arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Processing %s" % rasterStr)
# Wrap the whole thing in a try block to catch possible problems
# Problems are ignored, and the user is notified that a raster was
# not processed.
# make a raster object
raster = arcpy.Raster(rasterStr)
message("Processing raster failed: %s" % rasterStr, 1)
message(arcpy.GetMessages(2), 1)
# abondon this raster and move on
# notify the user if projected data is found (prefer geographic)
if raster.spatialReference.type == "Unknown":
projDataFound = True
# generate an array to hold each corner of the raster
coords = arcpy.Array()
# add each corner of the raster to the array
# Polygons require the start coordinate to match the end coordinate
# make a polygon from the points array
rasterPolygon = arcpy.Polygon(coords, raster.spatialReference)
# use an insert cursor to create new records for this raster
fcRows = arcpy.InsertCursor(shapefile, )
# make a new row
row = fcRows.newRow()
# set all the attributes
row.shape = rasterPolygon
row.path = raster.path
row.filename = raster.name
row.type = raster.format
row.process_d = str(datetime.date.today())
row.num_rows = raster.height
row.num_cols = raster.width
row.xmin = raster.extent.XMin
row.xmax = raster.extent.XMax
row.ymin = raster.extent.YMin
row.ymax = raster.extent.YMax
row.Projection = raster.spatialReference.name
row.datum = raster.spatialReference.spheroidName
row.epsg_code = raster.spatialReference.factoryCode
row.num_bands = raster.bandCount
row.pixelw = raster.meanCellWidth
row.pixelh = raster.meanCellHeight
row.bit_depth = int(raster.pixelType[1:])
row.comptype = raster.compressionType
# insert the row into the featureclass
# free up some memory
del row
del fcRows
del coords
message("Cataloging raster failed: %s" % rasterStr, 1)
message(arcpy.GetMessages(2), 1)
# update the progress bar position
# notify the user if any unprojected data was found
if projDataFound:
message("Unprojected data found. Check outputs.", 1)
# reset the progress bar to normal
arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Looking for rasters...")
def create_featureclass(fcPath, inMemory=False):
"""Create a shapefile to store all the data that is collected from a raster
list. Also adds all fields required for metadata about each raster.
# split the path into its component parts
(dirName, fileName) = os.path.split(fcPath)
# make all outputs WGS84 Geographic
spatialReference = os.path.join(arcpy.GetInstallInfo()["InstallDir"],
r"Coordinate Systems\Geographic Coordinate Systems\World\WGS 1984.prj")
# get a path to the template shapefile
tmplShp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
# check if creating feature in memory
if inMemory == "true":
dirName = "in_memory"
fileName = "memoryindex"
# create the featureclass
return os.path.join(dirName, fileName)
## fields come from the template shapefile, this is just for reference
## # add appropriate fields to the featureclass
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Path', 'TEXT', 254)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Filename', 'TEXT', 254)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Type', 'TEXT', 16)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Process_D', 'DATE')
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'NUM_Rows', 'LONG')
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'NUM_Cols', 'LONG')
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'XMin', 'FLOAT', 15, 10)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'XMax', 'FLOAT', 15, 10)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'YMin', 'FLOAT', 15, 10)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'YMax', 'FLOAT', 15, 10)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Projection', 'TEXT', 50)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Datum', 'TEXT', 50)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'EPSG_Code', 'TEXT', 6)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'NUM_Bands', 'SHORT')
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'PixelW', 'FLOAT', 15, 10)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'PixelH', 'FLOAT', 15, 10)
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'BIT_DEPTH', 'SHORT')
## arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, 'Compression', 'TEXT', 20)
def index_rasters(inputWorkspace, outputFeatureClass, processRecursive,
inMemoryProcessing, fileTypes = ""):
"""Process all rasters within a given directory."""
# notify if using in memory processing
if inMemoryProcessing == "true":
message("Using in memory processing")
# support the ability to index multiple directories at the same time, either
# as recursive or not.
inputWorkspaces = inputWorkspace.split(';')
for inWS in inputWorkspaces:
# arc wraps directories in quotes for fun
inWS = inWS.replace("'", "")
# set the workspace to be the base directory from the user
arcpy.env.workspace = inWS
# if the user doesn't want to process only certain files, set "ALL"
if fileTypes == "":
fileTypes = "ALL"
# create a featureclass to hold all raster metadata
if len(inputWorkspaces) == 1 or not arcpy.Exists(outputFeatureClass):
featureData = create_featureclass(outputFeatureClass,
# Determine if recursive. No need to walk if not doing a recursive
# list.
if processRecursive == 'false':
message("Gathering raster list from %s" % arcpy.env.workspace)
rasterList = listRasters(fileTypes)
processRasterList(featureData, rasterList)
message("Recursive processing started.")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(inWS):
# have to do this once for the top level folder
arcpy.env.workspace = root
message("Gathering raster list from %s" % arcpy.env.workspace)
rasterList = listRasters(fileTypes)
processRasterList(featureData, rasterList)
## for subdir in dirs:
## arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(root, subdir)
## message("Gathering raster list from %s" % arcpy.env.workspace)
## rasterList = listRasters(fileTypes)
## processRasterList(outputFeatureClass, rasterList)
if inMemoryProcessing == "true":
# if processing was done in memory, write items to disk
arcpy.Merge_management(featureData, outputFeatureClass)
# delete the in memory feature class
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)
except Exception as e:
print e.args[0]
# Test how the script is running. This allows it to run from multiple
# environments, or to be included as a module into another script without
# destroying environments.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# gather all arguments that have been passed in
argv = tuple(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(i)
for i in xrange(arcpy.GetArgumentCount()))
Hi Ryan,
def listRasters(rasterTypes = "ALL"): """Generate a list of rasters found within a workspace.""" # keep a list of all files for all types foundFiles = [] if rasterTypes == "ALL": # just gather all file types foundFiles = arcpy.ListRasters("*", rasterTypes) else: # arcpy will not let us specify multiple file types to search for, so # we replicate that ability by appending the file lists for each # specified file type. fileTypes = rasterTypes.split(';') for fileType in fileTypes: foundFiles.extend(arcpy.ListRasters("*", fileType)) # return all discovered files return foundFiles
The file type is specified fairly early on, in line 1 of the code I posted, which is close to the beginning of the code you pasted in. Currently it is set to all, but it can be changed to many file types see this help.
For help posting code blocks with formatting in the future see this help, Posting Code blocks in the new GeoNet
Probably the easier thing to do is modify the variable foundfiles, which is a list with the file name of each raster that will be analyzed. A simple for loop checking for the extensions you are wanting to remove and taking them out of the list should fix your problem before that function closes would do the trick.
Hi Ryan,
Here is an example of what Ian mentioned doing. Lines 20-22 will remove the rasters that have extensions of .OVR or .TOC.
def listRasters(rasterTypes = "ALL"): """Generate a list of rasters found within a workspace.""" # keep a list of all files for all types foundFiles = [] if rasterTypes == "ALL": # just gather all file types foundFiles = arcpy.ListRasters("*", rasterTypes) else: # arcpy will not let us specify multiple file types to search for, so # we replicate that ability by appending the file lists for each # specified file type. fileTypes = rasterTypes.split(';') for fileType in fileTypes: foundFiles.extend(arcpy.ListRasters("*", fileType)) # return all discovered files for raster in foundFiles: if '.OVR' or '.TOC' in raster: foundFiles.remove(raster) return foundFiles