I am trying to create my first Python Toolbox. I have tons of ACS text file, comma field separated files. I want my users to easily be able to join the tables to the geometry file. My first parameter, the list of available text files is working. Then, when I add the next parameter for the users to pick which fields they want to join from the text file as a check list is not working. Not sure how to set this up the parameters properly? Any help is much appreciated?
import arcpy
import os
class Toolbox(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the toolbox (the name of the toolbox is the name of the
.pyt file)."""
self.label = "ACS_2013_5Year_Toolbox"
self.alias = ""
# List of tool classes associated with this toolbox
self.tools = [ACSJoinTableTool]
class ACSJoinTableTool(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class)."""
self.label = "Join ACS Table to Census Block Group Geometry"
self.description = "Pick a table to temporarily join to the" + \
"Block Group GIS layer."
self.canRunInBackground = False
def getParameterInfo(self):
"""Define parameter definitions"""
#Make parameter #0 a list of the ACS text files.
filterList = []
fol = r"---file path of folder containing text files here---"
for i in os.listdir(fol):
if i.split(".")[-1].find("txt") != -1:
x = i.split(".")[0]
param0 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Pick Table:",
name = "in_table",
param0.filter.list = filterList
#Make parameter #1 a list of the table columns
joinTable = os.path.join(r"---file path of folder containing text files here---", param[0].valueAsText + ".txt")
pickedTable = open(jointable,"r")
pickedTableFields = pickedTable.readline()
pickedTableFields = pickedTableFields.replace(",",";")
param1 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Pick Join Fields:",
name = "in_fields",
param1.parameterDependencies = [param0.value]
param1.filter.list = pickedTableFields
parameters = [param0,param1]
return parameters
Solved! Go to Solution.
I figured out how to make it work in a Python Toolbox...
import arcpy
import os
class Toolbox(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the toolbox (the name of the toolbox is the name of the
.pyt file)."""
self.label = "ACS_2013_5Year_Toolbox"
self.alias = ""
# List of tool classes associated with this toolbox
self.tools = [ACSJoinTableTool]
class ACSJoinTableTool(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class)."""
self.label = "Join ACS Table to Census Block Group Geometry"
self.description = "Pick a table to temporarily join to the" + \
"Block Group GIS layer."
self.canRunInBackground = False
def getParameterInfo(self):
"""Define parameter definitions"""
#Make parameter #0 a drop down list of the ACS text files and user can pick one
filterList = []
fol = r"---Path of Folder Containing ACS Text Files Here----"
for i in os.listdir(fol):
if i.split(".")[-1].find("txt") != -1:
x = i.split(".")[0]
param0 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Pick Table:",
name = "in_table",
param0.filter.list = filterList
#Make parameter #1 filter multi-value check list a of the table columns, the user can check multiple columns
param1 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Pick Join Fields:",
name = "in_fields",
datatype= "GPString",
parameterType= "Required",
direction= "Input",
param1.filter.type = "ValueList"
param1.filter.list = pickTableFieldsList
parameters = [param0,param1]
return parameters
def isLicensed(self):
"""Set whether tool is licensed to execute."""
return True
def updateParameters(self, parameters):
"""Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal
validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter
has been changed."""
#When the 0th parameter gets a value the field headers (1st column in text file) are available to select
if parameters[0].value:
joinTable = os.path.join(r"---Folder Containing ACS Text Files Here", parameters[0].valueAsText + ".txt")
pickedTable = open(joinTable,"r")
pickedTableFieldsString = pickedTable.readline()
pickedTableFieldsString = pickedTableFieldsString.replace("\n","")
pickedTableFieldsList = pickedTableFieldsString.split(",")
parameters[1].filter.list = pickedTableFieldsList
Mary, you might want to slide this a bit deeper into the Developer Space to pickup the Python place
Dan Patterson you had(a long time ago) the best example for linking python scripts to a tool box that had a well documented script and a tool box. Do you still have it, would be willing to share again?
Wes Miller On the iThingy and not able to access my desktop for a while. The example to which you refer, I am pretty sure was for a conventional toolbox and not one of these python toolboxes (which are often a bit of an overkill most times). Most of what I see in the script could be substituted with 2 getparametersastext or sys.argvs then define the parameter type, direction, obtained from etc in the tool's properties.
I could easily set this task up in a script tool. Part of this is I am trying to learn how to write a Python Toolbox. I have not recognized by using the help how to do this correctly.
For python toolbox Defining parameters in a Python toolbox—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
For script tool
Basically you use in your script someVar = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) then set them to correspond in your tool properties.
I figured out how to make it work in a Python Toolbox...
import arcpy
import os
class Toolbox(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the toolbox (the name of the toolbox is the name of the
.pyt file)."""
self.label = "ACS_2013_5Year_Toolbox"
self.alias = ""
# List of tool classes associated with this toolbox
self.tools = [ACSJoinTableTool]
class ACSJoinTableTool(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class)."""
self.label = "Join ACS Table to Census Block Group Geometry"
self.description = "Pick a table to temporarily join to the" + \
"Block Group GIS layer."
self.canRunInBackground = False
def getParameterInfo(self):
"""Define parameter definitions"""
#Make parameter #0 a drop down list of the ACS text files and user can pick one
filterList = []
fol = r"---Path of Folder Containing ACS Text Files Here----"
for i in os.listdir(fol):
if i.split(".")[-1].find("txt") != -1:
x = i.split(".")[0]
param0 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Pick Table:",
name = "in_table",
param0.filter.list = filterList
#Make parameter #1 filter multi-value check list a of the table columns, the user can check multiple columns
param1 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Pick Join Fields:",
name = "in_fields",
datatype= "GPString",
parameterType= "Required",
direction= "Input",
param1.filter.type = "ValueList"
param1.filter.list = pickTableFieldsList
parameters = [param0,param1]
return parameters
def isLicensed(self):
"""Set whether tool is licensed to execute."""
return True
def updateParameters(self, parameters):
"""Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal
validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter
has been changed."""
#When the 0th parameter gets a value the field headers (1st column in text file) are available to select
if parameters[0].value:
joinTable = os.path.join(r"---Folder Containing ACS Text Files Here", parameters[0].valueAsText + ".txt")
pickedTable = open(joinTable,"r")
pickedTableFieldsString = pickedTable.readline()
pickedTableFieldsString = pickedTableFieldsString.replace("\n","")
pickedTableFieldsList = pickedTableFieldsString.split(",")
parameters[1].filter.list = pickedTableFieldsList
I found this today you may find it useful.
Toolbox to Python Toolbox Wrapper