Python Script & Performance Speed

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02-05-2018 10:25 AM
Occasional Contributor III


I have the following script. It works as expected, but it takes around 1.5 seconds to run each time. Doesn't seem to matter if it's running against 20 parcels or 5000. Are there any suggestions as to how I can improve the performance of this script.


import arcpy
import numpy as np

    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    #Create in memory tables:
    arcpy.CreateTable_management("in_memory", "tableSelRecs")
    arcpy.AddField_management(r'in_memory\tableSelRecs', "USE_CATEGORY", "TEXT", field_length=35)
    arcpy.AddField_management(r'in_memory\tableSelRecs', "SHAPE_Area", "Double")
    arcpy.CreateTable_management("in_memory", "tableSumRecs")
    arcpy.AddField_management(r'in_memory\tableSumRecs', "USE_CATEGORY", "TEXT", field_length=35)
    arcpy.AddField_management(r'in_memory\tableSumRecs', "SHAPE_Area", "Double")

    mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('CURRENT')
    df = mxd.activeDataFrame
    totalArea = 0
    totalResArea = 0
    totalParcels = 0
    totalResParcels = 0

    lu_layer = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "LandUse_UseCategory", df)[0]
    #use da.SearchCursor to access necessary fields from selected records
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lu_layer,['USE_CATEGORY','SHAPE@AREA']) as cursor:
        #Setup insert cursor to insert selected polygons into tableSelRecs
        insCursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(r'in_memory\tableSelRecs', ['USE_CATEGORY','SHAPE_Area'])
        #Isert selected rows into insCursor;
        #Get total area of selected records;
        #Get a count of total parcels
        for row in cursor:
            if row[0] != 'Invalid':
                totalArea += row[1]
                totalParcels += 1
            #If the block is of a 'Residential' USE_CATEGORY type then add that value into the Residential DI calculation variable
            if row[0] in('Residential - Low Density','Residential - Medium Density','Residential - High Density'):
                totalResArea += row[1]
                totalResParcels += 1

        #use summarystatistics against tableSelRecs to get totals per USE_CATEGORY and write results to tableSumRecs
        arcpy.Statistics_analysis(r'in_memory\tableSelRecs', r'in_memory\tableSumRecs', [["SHAPE_Area", "SUM"]], "USE_CATEGORY")

    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(r'in_memory\tableSumRecs',['USE_CATEGORY','SUM_SHAPE_Area']) as selCur:
        #list to store calculation for each USE_CATEGORY value used in DI calculation
        interimValue = [0]
        #list to store calculation for each USE_CATEGORY value used in RDI calculation
        interimResValue = [0] 
        for sRow in selCur:
            arcpy.AddMessage('USE_CATEGORY: {}; AREA: {}'.format(sRow[0],sRow[1]))
            #divide the USE_CATEGORY area by the total community area then square that number & append it to the list
            if sRow[0] in('Residential - Low Density','Residential - Medium Density','Residential - High Density'):

        #sum the values in the list then subtract that value from 1 to get the DI for the selected blocks
        DI = 1 - sum(interimValue)
        #sum the values in the list then subtract that value from 1 to get the RDI for the selected blocks
        RDI = 1 - sum(interimResValue) 
        arcpy.AddMessage('Diversity Index: ' + str(DI))
        arcpy.AddMessage('Residential Diversity Index: ' + str(RDI))
        arcpy.AddMessage('Total Blocks Selected: ' + str(totalParcels))
        arcpy.AddMessage('Total Blocks Area: ' + str(totalArea))
        arcpy.AddMessage('Total Res Blocks Selected: ' + str(totalResParcels))
        arcpy.AddMessage('Total Res Blocks Area: ' + str(totalResArea))
        arcpy.AddMessage('NOTE: Any blocks with a use category of Invalid are not included in any calculations.')
    #Delete in memory tables

except arcpy.ExecuteError:
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20 Replies
New Contributor II

I have found (from reading GeoNet posts and in my own experience) that from arcpy import * is quicker than import arcpy.

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