I have a feature class that has a related table that tracks user edits. The manual way to perform the task is:
I have written a Python script that automates the record creation tasks. It works as follows:
What I need to know is how, in Python, to update the relationship for the newly created records to relate them back to their respective poly using the poly ID. Currently, when the updated poly is selected and viewed the newly added record is not shown in the Attribute Editor dialog as a related record.
Can anyone provide to me where to go for the missing link? The usual Google search didn't really yield the secret to me when I started digging yesterday.
Here's the code as it exists now:
import arcpy, arcgisscripting, sys, os, time, datetime, getpass, shutil, smtplib
from arcpy import env
from time import strftime
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
# From dialog, get the table field default values. To set different defaults, use the
# parameters dialog inside ArcMap/toolbox interface.
structuresFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
structureEditLogTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
qcFlag = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
userComments = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
modifiedBy = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
modifiedDate = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)
lastEditedUser = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)
lastEditedDate = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7)
clearSelected = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8)
# Determine query date
queryDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastEditedDate, '%m/%d/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Determine if any edits have been performed on the Structure Edit Log today; if so, determine the latest time of the updates
timeQuery = "LAST_EDITED_USER = '" + lastEditedUser + "' and LAST_EDITED_DATE > timestamp '" + queryDate + " 00:00:00' and MODIFIED_BY = '" + modifiedBy + "'"
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structureEditLogTable, "NEW_SELECTION", timeQuery)
# Determine if there is a selection; if there is, edits have been made today
describeTable = arcpy.Describe(structureEditLogTable)
if describeTable.FIDSet == '':
anyEdits = "No"
timestampList = []
# Set the timestamp for the list to Midnight today - no edits have taken place yet
queryTime = "00:00:00"
# Edits have been made, read the times of the selection set into a list
timestampList = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(structureEditLogTable, fieldsSEL) as srchCursor:
for row in srchCursor:
timestamp = (row[0])
lastEditTime = max(timestampList)
queryTime = (lastEditTime).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
# Clear the selections to prep for next phase
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structuresFC, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structureEditLogTable, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
# Create select query based on current user being last edited user and edit time being greater than 00:00:00
selectionQuery = "LAST_EDITED_USER = '" + lastEditedUser + "' and LAST_EDITED_DATE > timestamp '" + queryDate + " " + queryTime + "'"
# Select records from the Structure Edit Log table that were edited by the user in this edit session
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structuresFC, "NEW_SELECTION", selectionQuery)
# Describe the table state to determine if records are selected
describeTable = arcpy.Describe(structuresFC)
# Test to see that there is a selection set first. If not, message the user and exit.
if describeTable.FIDSet == '':
arcpy.AddMessage("No features are selected in the Structures Feature Class; exiting!")
# Set the parameters for the selected features *only*
fieldsFC = ["STRUCTUREID"]
# Set up a cursor to get the current StructureID in the FC
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(structuresFC, fieldsFC) as srchCursor:
for row in srchCursor:
currentStructureID = row[0]
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(structureEditLogTable, fieldsSEL) as insertCursor:
insertCursor.insertRow((currentStructureID, "Y", userComments, modifiedBy, modifiedDate))
del insertCursor
del srchCursor, row
except RuntimeError as err:
# This will run if the user is not currently in an edit session
if "cannot be updated outside an edit session" in err.message:
arcpy.AddMessage("Not currently in an edit session. Exit tool, start an edit session and rerun the tool!")
raise err
selectionQuery = "LAST_EDITED_USER = '" + lastEditedUser + "' and LAST_EDITED_DATE > timestamp '" + queryDate + " 00:00:00' and EDIT_ID IS NULL"
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structureEditLogTable, "NEW_SELECTION", selectionQuery)
fieldsSEL = ["OBJECTID","EDIT_ID"]
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(structureEditLogTable, fieldsSEL) as updateCursor:
for row in updateCursor:
row[1] = row[0]
del updateCursor, row
except Exception as e:
if clearSelected == "true":
# Clear selection and refresh the map
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structuresFC, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(structureEditLogTable, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
I think I may have answered my own question, but here's my sanity check...in case anyone is reading or has read this:
I need to add the requisite records to the relationship table providing the structure ID and its new related Edit_ID. I'm assuming like any other table in SDE, there shouldn't be a problem doing this via the Insert cursor, probably in the next line of my code. I'll be giving this a try, but if anyone has any caveats to this I'd appreciate your input!
Can you just use Editor Tacking?
Enabling and managing editor tracking—Help | ArcGIS Desktop ('classic desktop')
Enable Editor Tracking—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop (pro)