I'm running v10 and have a python script which accesses a map doc and does the usual:
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
The script runs in 3 places
my desktop
UAT server as a GP tool
PROD server as a GP tool
The same MXD and file geodb is used on all three environments and is local access.
The call takes sub second on my desktop, about 4 secs on the UAT server and up to 14 secs on the PROD server. The UAT server is a single box with SOM / SOC while in Prod the SOM and SOCs are split (2x SOC machines). The SOCs both have local copies of the data and maps.
So same script, same map and same data all have different run times to access the data frame. The question is has anyone seen this and why would there be such a difference?
Do you have solution now? I also get the similar problem.
Hi, Do you have solution now? I also get the similar problem.