Hi I have the following code that works correctly. However, every once in a while there is a file name that has an "06" instead of an "05" and it breaks the script. Is there a way I can use a wild card for that digit?
fileName = os.path.split(fullFileName)[-1]
fileNameShort = fileName[:-13]
fileDateTime = dt.strptime(fileName, "%m%d%Y_%H05shapefile.zip")
Solved! Go to Solution.
Does this work for you?
>>> import datetime
>>> file = "08112019_0005shapefile.zip"
>>> fileDateTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(file[:13], "%m%d%Y_%H%M")
>>> fileDateTime = fileDateTime.replace(minute=0)
>>> fileDateTime
datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 11, 0, 0)
How you are applying the date format for datetime.strptime is unusual, even if it is working. Typically, the date/time formatting only includes date/time components and not additional text.
It seems you are working with a group of files that have consistent naming, can you provide an example of a file name and what you are trying to get because there might be a better overall approach.
Sure. We use the Weather Climate Toolkit (a program from NOAA) to automatically download the zip files every hour. They are named after the date/time they are downloaded. However, recently it sometimes takes more than one minute to download a file which causes it to have an "06" instead of "05." Thanks.
Does this work for you?
>>> import datetime
>>> file = "08112019_0005shapefile.zip"
>>> fileDateTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(file[:13], "%m%d%Y_%H%M")
>>> fileDateTime = fileDateTime.replace(minute=0)
>>> fileDateTime
datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 11, 0, 0)