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Pull values from raster within buffer around point

10 hours ago
Occasional Contributor

I have a set of points.  For each point, I want the values from a raster within a buffer radius around the point.  The radius of the buffer can vary.  Once I have these values, I compare them to a value from the point attributes.  I'm checking to see if at least one value from the raster is +/- 1.0 from the point's value.  I have figured out how to do this with ArcPy, however I have thousands of points and it takes about 30 seconds to run just 10 points.  Is there a faster way to do this?

I'm running Python 3.11:

with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(TestPts, fields, wclause) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        # Create a buffer polygon geometry around this point
        geom = row[0]
        buff = geom.buffer(thisbuffdist)
        # Set the extent to just the buffer polygon
        arcpy.env.extent = buff.extent
        # Extract raster cells within the buffer
        OutRasEBM = ExtractByMask(Ras, buff, 'INSIDE')
        # Convert extracted Raster to numpy array
        arr = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(OutRasEBM)
        # Clear buff and OutRasEBM from memory
        del buff, OutRasEBM
        # Find if a value in the array is within 1 foot of pointvalue
        pointvalue = row[1]
        diffarr = arr - pointvalue
        for rw in diffarr:
            for x in rw:
                if x > -1.0 and x < 1.0:
                    row[2] = 'P'


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Occasional Contributor III



with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(TestPts, fields, wclause) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        geom = row[0]
        buff = geom.buffer(thisbuffdist)
        arcpy.env.extent = buff.extent

        # Extract raster cells within the buffer based on attribute condition
        expression = f"VALUE >= {row[1] - 1.0} AND VALUE <= {row[1] + 1.0}"
        OutRasEBM = ExtractByAttributes(Ras, expression)

        # Convert extracted Raster to numpy array
        arr = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(OutRasEBM)

        # Check if any value in the array meets the condition
        if (arr > row[1] - 1.0).any() and (arr < row[1] + 1.0).any():
            row[2] = 'P'
