problems with CreateConstantRaster script

12-29-2010 08:17 AM
New Contributor

I am attempting to put together a script (pasted in at the bottom of this missive) that will generate a constant value raster based on the extent of an input raster.  The objective is to automate creation of a bounding raster band (i.e. a ribbon of constant value, one or two cells in width for the length of one side of an extent) for either mosaic-ing or multiplying related rasters to the dump to ASCII files for subsequent editing and input into USGS MODFLOW groundwater model.  I'd like to make this script into tool for use in model builder, but I 'm stumped on getting the script to run successfully.

I think my issue boils down to how I am passing arguments to the script, but I'm not certain.  Despite poring over the Help System, I am still feeling pretty unclear about sys.argv vs GetParmaterAsText vs GetParameter.  I am definitely confused about when I need to pass a quoted string or not.  I don't really understand the distinction between an object and text in the ArcGIS sense, and when one uses one or the other.

In any event, the script below works up until the point when I want it to run CreateConstantRaster, when it bugs out with either,

the very vague: ERROR 999999: Error executing function,

or the slightly less vague: ERROR 010327: Unable to set analysis window. ERROR 010067: Error in executing grid expression.

Reviewing the Help Text on these error messages was only mildly revealing.

Since I have some print calls in there I can see that my if/else statement to generate the extent parameter is working.  My sense is that my parameter types in general are off.  I've tried various combos of the aforementioned argument passing approaches with no success, and seemingly weird type conversions (e.g. float() and int()).  The current version of the script is only one of dozens.

Any insight is welcome, thanks!

Here is my script:

# import modules
import arcpy, sys, os
from import *

#   Check out any necessary licenses

#   the directory to work in
workspace = arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
except Exception as e:
print e.message

#   the raster dataset to use for analysis
raster = workspace + arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
except Exception as e:
print e.message

#   the coordinate system of the output is set by the coordinate system of the input
spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(raster).spatialReference
except Exception as e:
print e.message

arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = spatialRef
except Exception as e:
print e.message

#   names for the constant raster variables
constantValue = float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2))
dataType = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
cellSize = int(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4))
outRasterName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)
#   define the width of the constant raster band
desc = arcpy.Describe(raster)
except Exception as e:
print e.message

extent = desc.Extent
print extent
except Exception as e:
print e.message

#   assign the raster extents names
xminWidth = float(arcpy.GetParameter(6))
yminWidth = float(arcpy.GetParameter(7))
xmaxWidth = float(arcpy.GetParameter(8))
ymaxWidth = float(arcpy.GetParameter(9))

#   calculate the width of the constant raster band to be created

if xminWidth > 0:
xmin = extent.XMin
ymin = extent.YMin
xmax = extent.XMin + float(xminWidth)
ymax = extent.YMax
elif yminWidth > 0:
xmin = extent.XMin
ymin = extent.YMin
xmax = extent.XMax
ymax = extent.YMin + float(yminWidth)
elif xmaxWidth > 0:
xmin = extent.XMax - float(xmaxWidth)
ymin = extent.YMin
xmax = extent.XMax
ymax = extent.YMax
xmin = extent.XMin
ymin = extent.YMax - float(ymaxWidth)
xmax = extent.XMin
ymax = extent.YMax

#outExtent = Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
outExtent = Extent(100.123, 100.123, 100.123, 100.123)
print outExtent

#   create the constant raster object
outConstRast = CreateConstantRaster(constantValue, dataType, cellSize, outExtent)
except Exception as e:
print e.message

#   save the constant raster object
try: + outRasterName)
except Exception as e:
print e.message
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
A few tips:

  • Use the forum's CODE tags to make the script more readable and retain indentation (look for the # sign in the toolbar above your edit post box. Click that to insert CODE tags and then paste the code in between from your Python script.)

  • Use GetParameterAsText instead of GetParameter for your xminWidth, etc variables. GetParameter is only used for arguments that can be represented as a few certain objects such as spatial references and field mappings.

  • Use os.path.join() instead of doing a straight-up concatenation between your workspace and your raster.

  • You probably don't need a try/except statement on every other line, especially since all you are doing is printing the exception and continuing. If there is an exception and you continue without doing anything about it, it is likely to cause more exceptions.

  • I'm pretty sure that most of the type casts such as int() and float() are unnecessary. You could use a Python debugger to inspect the data types at runtime to be sure though.

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Regular Contributor III
This line would result in both a very strange and small extent (I assume these are Geographic coordinates):

outExtent = Extent(100.123, 100.123, 100.123, 100.123)
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