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Operation on non current aprx

06-21-2021 11:24 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hello all

I found out that many of the commands works only when you use the current aprx and running the code in a tool or python winodw.

For example SetExtent or updating the layer metadata.

Is that a bug, known limitation or documented feature?


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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Python CIM access—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

After the long read, I suspect it is a work in progress.  There are comments about what should and shouldn't be done as well as a lot of the examples have been placed outside the help topics in github or the code sharing site

Esri/cim-spec: This repository hosts the specification for the Cartographic Information Model (githu...

ArcGIS Pro 2.5 CIM Samples V1 - Overview

Also, you can have a stroll through


to get a sense of what is there... the folder is getting bigger over time

"current" ... seems to be the current preferred access to CIM, 

... sort of retired...
Frequent Contributor

Hi Dan

You are correct but the two examples I gave (SetExtent and metadata) are not connected (as far as I know) to the CIM.


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

True, I find it hard sometimes to track down whether "stuff" is available or not, for example, setExtent and getExtent are only found in the Camera class accessible via the Map class and metadata seems to be class specific 

... sort of retired...
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