I'm new to the ArcGIS Pro development. I'm able to find the example related to pro SDK for .net related to open a dialog when click on a feature. But just want to check is there any way to open a dialog box when click on the feature with python(ArcPy).
Thanks in advance any suggestion/help.
I think the short answer is no. In ArcMap you had python addins that would allow you to interact with a feature, this type of interaction is yet to be supported by arcpy in ArcPro. As I understand it, if you want your user to interact with features on a map you have to go down the pro SDK route.
The only other thing to mention is that geoprocessing tools allow you to draw into a layer which would feed the geometry into say a select by location tool, you need to click on the pencil. I've always found this to be a bit clunky and never liked the fact it creates an actual layer which I then have to delete.