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Notebook are not saving in ArcGIS Pro

01-04-2024 12:16 PM
Occasional Contributor

This is not exactly an API question but I figured this question has a better chance of being answered here than in the general ArcGIS Pro forum.

Today for the third time, I opened up a Pro project, went to open the notebook, where all of the code I had written the last time I was working on the project was gone.  IE, the notebook did not save my work, despite using the save button frequently.  No checkpoints were created.  Essentially a days worth of work was lost.

I did get a message that  New Notebook.ipynb could not be found in a directory that was not the project directory.  

As I said, this is the third time this has happened.   Has anyone else experienced having Jupyter notebooks inside the Pro environment not be saved?

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Occasional Contributor

That saving behavior is new to me.  Glad to hear about it, as the last direction I read was that the notebook did not save with the project.  Perhaps that was an issue as I would do a save on the notebook, then a save on the project.

When I opened the project there was a splash screen about a different location.  Did not have time to grab that information and didn't realize the importance until it was gone. 

The search was un successful, so work was lost.  Sounds like it might not be that big of an issue if other folks have not had the problem.

If it happens again, I'll revive the post.

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