I've written a python script (arcpy) that takes the text from an email containing a ticket number and lat/long coordinates. I've been able to extract the data containing the ticket number, lat/long coordinates that form a rectangle, and other data. This data is a list that updates a featureclass in a file gdb. I've also updated/changed the layout's name to reflect the ticket number. The feature class/layer is used in both the main map and a reference or inset map. The aprx has 2 maps, and one layout.
What I can't figure out is how to change the layer's definition query, so that I can zoom to or pan to the new feature. I think I need to use the Cartographic Information Model (cim), but I'm not sure how to change the layer's definition query.
I'm working in ArcGIS Pro 2.9
CIM, layer class, definition query is read/write
Layer—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
@DanPatterson Thanks for the link! Maybe I missed something.
Here's the link for Pro 2.9 - https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/2.9/arcpy/mapping/layer-class.htm
code examples at the bottom if that is what you are looking for
@DanPatterson, Thanks for your help. I've been working on adapting example 4, but I keep getting an error. I think it has to do with the ticketNo = "2023070700400.002". That field in my feature class is a text field. I've tried tickeNo = str(2023070700400.002) and I get the same error. Of course it could have to do with my sql query. I'm stumped. Thanks for ANY help that you can offer.
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT")
ticketNo = "2023070700400.002"
m = aprx.listMaps()[0]
l = m.listLayers("AZ811 BlueStake")[0]
if l.supports('DefinitionQuery'):
#Get the list of definition queries
dql = l.listDefinitionQueries('Query 1')[0]
#Clear active definition query, otherwise the update will fail if there is already an active query
for dq in dql:
dq['isActive'] = False
#Create a new definition query and append it to the list
dql.append({'name': 'Query 1', 'sql': "tktNum = ticketNo", 'isActive': True})
#Update the definition queries with the newly modified list
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 10, in <module>
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
You changed it from a list to a string in line 10 so you can't cycle through it as you appear to want to do.
Their line is
dql = l.listDefinitionQueries()
I mostly figured it out! However, it created another Query 1 with the correct definition query, and it added the definition query to both maps. See my code below.
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT")
ticketNo = "2023070700400.002"
fieldname = "tktNum"
newName = str.format(ticketNo)
for m in aprx.listMaps():
for l in m.listLayers("AZ811 BlueStake"):
if l.supports('DefinitionQuery'):
#Get the list of definition queries
dql = l.listDefinitionQueries('Query 1')
#Clear active definition query, update will fail if there is already an active query
for dq in dql:
dq['isActive'] = False
#Create a new definition query and append it to the list
dql.append({'name': 'Query 1', 'sql': """{} = '{}'""".format(fieldname,newName), 'isActive': True})
#Update the definition queries with the newly modified list
Now, I just need to figure out how to have just the one definition query on the layer. Thanks for your help @DanPatterson !