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Need Python Example: sort rows, subtract current from next, load in new field

04-21-2011 06:18 AM
Deactivated User
Please help! I am new to Python.

I created a model in ModelBuilder. The last steps are to grab the attribute table of the feature class, sort MEAS column in ascending order and then subtract next value from current and load those values in the new field. (I have an empty field in the attribute table).

I wrote a simple script, but all I could do is to sort the MEAS column and print values out.
Could anybody be so kind and get me an example code?....
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18 Replies
Deactivated User
Everything worked! Thank you all so much!
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Deactivated User
There is something else that I need help with....
I used the example (thread #9), and it worked for the fields where sortField and newField were both 'double' type. When I tried to do the calculations on the Date field mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM I get an error message. It says 'ValueError: Row: Invalid input value for SetValue'. My resulting field is 'double'. Do the fields have to be the same data type? Is it possible to use Date type is the calculations?
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Frequent Contributor
Try something like this
import arcpy
import datetime, time #not sure if you need both of these

myFile = "c:/gis/temp.shp"
sortField = "theDate"
newField = "NEW"

rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(myFile,"","","",sortField + " A") # sort by sort field
firstTime = True
for row in rows:
   if firstTime:
      previous = row.getValue(sortField) #in your first iteration you will not have anything to update you just need to get the value for the next iteration
      firstTime = False
       #row.setValue(newField, row.getValue(sortField) - previous)
       current = row.getValue(sortField)
       difference = current-previous # datetime.timedelta object (time difference)
       row.setValue(newField, difference.days) # number of days
       previous = current  #get the value for the next iteration
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Deactivated User
That code worked, thanks! But when I define the 'NEW' field as date - I get 12:00 AM for all rows. When I define 'NEW' as double - it comes out as 0. Which is correct - 0 days. I tried to multiply by 24 to get hours - still zeros. Is there any way to solve that?
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New Contributor
I was wrestling with time fields yesterday (they were all getting reset to 12:00am). Apparently, shapefiles do not understand time, so they become 12:00am (or zero). The time data is gone, it's not being hidden by the datatype, so multiplying by 24 will not help. I ended up working in a Personal Geodatabase - they understand time.
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Frequent Contributor
That code worked, thanks! But when I define the 'NEW' field as date - I get 12:00 AM for all rows. When I define 'NEW' as double - it comes out as 0. Which is correct - 0 days. I tried to multiply by 24 to get hours - still zeros. Is there any way to solve that?

You'll need to have a field that recognizes time to get that information.
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Occasional Contributor
Please help! I am new to Python.

I created a model in ModelBuilder. The last steps are to grab the attribute table of the feature class, sort MEAS column in ascending order and then subtract next value from current and load those values in the new field. (I have an empty field in the attribute table).

I wrote a simple script, but all I could do is to sort the MEAS column and print values out.
Could anybody be so kind and get me an example code?....

Natalie- I've done something similar in the 9.3 scripting environment using some of Richard Crissup's code (he had an ArcScript posting on June 27, 2008 called  Basically, you start with a GPS generated track point shapefile with a time stamp field.  To that, the python script adds a numeric double field, and in the new field, calculates the difference in hours between the timestamp field in each record and the next, so one can sum up the amount of time spent in an area.  You have to know how the date field comes to you.  The script takes a while to execute, but gets the job done.

I'm new to Python, too, so please people, go easy on me, too:

import arcgisscripting, sys, os, re
import time, calendar, string, decimal

def func_check_format(time_string):
 if time_string.find("/") == -1:
  print "Error: time string doesn't contain any '/' expected format \
  is month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds"
 elif time_string.find(":") == -1:
  print "Error: time string doesn't contain any ':' expected format \
  is month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds"
 list = time_string.split()
 if (len(list)) <> 2:
  print "Error time string doesn't contain and date and time separated \
  by a space. Expected format is 'month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds'"

def func_parse_time(time_string):
        take the time value and make it into a tuple with 9 values
        example = "2004/03/01 23:50:00". If the date values don't look like this
        then the script will fail. 
    time_string = str(time_string)
    if not len(l) == 2:
        gp.AddError("Error: func_parse_time, expected 2 items in list l got" + str(len(l)) + "time field value = " + time_string)
        raise Exception 
    if not len(cal) == 3:
        gp.AddError("Error: func_parse_time, expected 3 items in list cal got " + str(len(cal)) + "time field value = " + time_string)
        raise Exception
    if not len(ti) == 3:
        gp.AddError("Error: func_parse_time, expected 3 items in list ti got " + str(len(ti)) + "time field value = " + time_string)
        raise Exception
    if int(len(cal[0]))== 4:
    #formated tuple to match input for time functions
    return result

def func_time_diff(start_t,end_t):
        Take the two numbers that represent seconds
        since Jan 1 1970 and return the difference of
        those two numbers in hours. There are 3600 seconds
        in an hour. 60 secs * 60 min   '''
    start_secs = calendar.timegm(start_t)
    end_secs = calendar.timegm(end_t)
    x=abs(end_secs - start_secs)
    #diff = number hours difference
    #as ((x/60)/60)
    diff = float(x)/float(3600)   
    return diff


print "Executing script..."

    gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)
    # set parameter to what user drags in
    fcdrag = gp.GetParameterAsText(0)
    psplit = os.path.split(fcdrag)
    folder = str(psplit[0]) #containing folder
    fc = str(psplit[1]) #feature class
    fullpath = str(fcdrag)

    gp.Workspace = folder

    fldA = gp.GetParameterAsText(1) # Timestamp field
    fldDiff = gp.GetParameterAsText(2) # Hours field
    # set the toolbox for adding the field to data managment
    gp.Toolbox = "management"
    # add the user named hours field to the feature class
    gp.addfield (fc,fldDiff,"double")
    #gp.addindex(fc,fldA,"indA","NON_UNIQUE", "ASCENDING")
    desc = gp.describe(fullpath)
    updateCursor = gp.UpdateCursor(fullpath, "", desc.SpatialReference, fldA+"; "+fldDiff, fldA)
    row = updateCursor.Next()
    count = 0
    oldtime = str(row.GetValue(fldA))
    #check datetime to see if parseable
    gp.addmessage("Calculating " + fldDiff + " field...")
    while row <> None:
        if count == 0:
            row.SetValue(fldDiff, 0)
            start_t = func_parse_time(oldtime)
            b = str(row.GetValue(fldA))
            end_t = func_parse_time(b)
            diff_hrs = func_time_diff(start_t, end_t)
            row.SetValue(fldDiff, diff_hrs)
            oldtime = b
        count += 1
        row = updateCursor.Next()

    gp.addmessage("Updated " +str(count+1)+ " rows.")
    del updateCursor
    del row
except Exception, ErrDesc:
    import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
print "Script complete."
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Occasional Contributor
You have to know how the date field comes to you. 

Sorry, what I wrote is confusing, it is not actually a date type field; I'd like to clarify the timestamp field is actually a text/string type field.

I've found that date fields generally tend to be difficult to deal with in ArcGIS, often resulting in more trouble than they're worth.  As a result, it's often more convenient to save them as text string fields.  Our data is coming off a tracklog saved from DNR Garmin, where the LTIME field was created and stored as a text field, length 20 characters.  You might want to use the text field approach unless you have other reasons for sticking to the date data type.
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New Contributor
Hi, I found this thread because I am looking to do the same thing as the OP.
I tried the codes from both #9 and #10 and both times I got the same error:
Runtime error <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'NoneType'

I have limited Python experience so I don't know for sure what that error means, I've interpreted it as that it does not recognize the variable 'previous' as something that can be subtracted. Do I need to somehow define 'previous' before the conditional?
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