I'm running Jupyter and trying to run this script to pull files from arcgis enterprise to a desktop folder and I am getting the following bolded error. What is needed to fix this?
''' ********************** SCRIPT CONFIGURATION START ********************** '''
#What is the ID of the Feature Layer you want to download attachments from?
FeatureLayerId = 'XXXX'
#What are your ArcGIS Enterprise/ArcGIS Online credentials? This is case sensitive.
PortalUserName = 'XXXX'
PortalPassword = 'XXXX'
PortalUrl = 'XXXX'
#Where do you want your attachments stored?
SaveAttachmentsTo = 'S:\GIS\Pictures'
SaveLogsTo = 'Logging'
#How do you want your attachments stored? Options are GroupedFolder and IndividualFolder
#GroupedFolder - Attachments from every feature in each layer is stored in the same folder - attachments are renamed in the format OBJECTID-ATTACHMENTID-OriginalFileName
#IndividualFolder - A new folder is created for each OBJECTID, and associated attachments are stored in that folder - attachments are renamed in the format ATTACHMENTID-OriginalFileName
AttachmentStorage = 'GroupedFolder'
#Set to False if ArcGIS Enterprise cert is not valid
PortalCertVerification = True
#Setup logging - levels are DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL
''' ********************** SCRIPT CONFIGURATION END ********************** '''
#https://stackoverflow.com/questions/273192/how-can-i-create-a-directory-if-it-does-not-existdef createFolder(folderPath):
if not os.path.exists(folderPath):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def renameFile(currentAttachmentPath, newAttachmentPath):
#Rename file - ensure new attachment path does not exist already
if not os.path.exists(newAttachmentPath):
os.rename(currentAttachmentPath, newAttachmentPath)
logger.info('{} being renamed as {}'.format(currentAttachmentPath, newAttachmentPath))
logger.warning('Not able to rename {} as {} because file already exists. Removing {}'.format(currentAttachmentPath, newAttachmentPath, currentAttachmentPath))
#Create specified folder if it does not exist already
#Logging level specified in script configuration
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logFileName = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S')
fileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler('{}/{}.log'.format(SaveLogsTo, logFileName), maxBytes=100000, backupCount=5)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(relativeCreated)d \n%(filename)s %(module)s %(funcName)s %(lineno)d \n%(message)s\n')
logger.info('Script Starting at {}'.format(str(datetime.datetime.now())))
#Connect to GIS, and get Feature Layer information
if PortalUserName == '' and PortalPassword == '':
gis = GIS()
gis = GIS(PortalUrl, PortalUserName, PortalPassword, verify_cert=PortalCertVerification)
downloadCounter = 0
nonDownloadCounter = 0
downloadSizeCounter = 0
itemObject = gis.content.get(FeatureLayerId)
logger.info('Iterating through layers in Feature Layer "{}"'.format(itemObject.name))
#Loop through layers in Feature Layer
for i in range(len(itemObject.layers)):
featureLayer = itemObject.layers
#Skip layer if attachments are not enabled
if featureLayer.properties.hasAttachments == True:
#Remove any characters from feature layer name that may cause problems and ensure it's unique...
featureLayerName = '{}-{}'.format(str(i), re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', featureLayer.properties.name))
featureLayerFolder = SaveAttachmentsTo + r'\\' + featureLayerName
createFolder(featureLayerFolder)#Query to get list of object ids in layer
featureObjectIds = featureLayer.query(where='1=1', return_ids_only=True)
#Provide some updates to user...
logger.info('Time: {}'.format(str(datetime.datetime.now())))
logger.info('Currently looping through feature attachments in layer {} of {}: storing in folder named "{}"'.format(str(i + 1), str(len(itemObject.layers)), featureLayerName))
logger.info('There are {} features to iterate in this layer'.format(str(len(featureObjectIds['objectIds']))))
#Loop through features in layer
emptyAttachments = 0
for j in range(len(featureObjectIds['objectIds'])):
currentObjectId = featureObjectIds['objectIds']
currentObjectIdAttachments = featureLayer.attachments.get_list(oid=currentObjectId)if len(currentObjectIdAttachments) > 0:#Loop through feature attachments and download to appropriate folder
for k in range(len(currentObjectIdAttachments)):
attachmentId = currentObjectIdAttachments['id']
attachmentName = currentObjectIdAttachments['name']
attachmentSize = currentObjectIdAttachments['size']
if AttachmentStorage == 'IndividualFolder':
currentFolder = featureLayerFolder + r'\\' + str(currentObjectId)
#Create a folder for attachments
fileName = '{}-{}'.format(attachmentId, attachmentName)
newAttachmentPath = '{}\\{}'.format(currentFolder, fileName)
if not os.path.isfile(newAttachmentPath):
logger.info('The size of the current attachment being downloaded is {}MB'.format((attachmentSize/1000000)))
currentAttachmentPath = featureLayer.attachments.download(oid=currentObjectId, attachment_id=attachmentId, save_path=currentFolder)
#Rename to ensure file name is unique
renameFile(currentAttachmentPath, newAttachmentPath)
downloadCounter += 1
downloadSizeCounter += attachmentSize
logger.info('File {} already exists. Not downloading again!'.format(newAttachmentPath))
nonDownloadCounter += 1elif AttachmentStorage == 'GroupedFolder':
fileName = '{}-{}-{}'.format(currentObjectId, attachmentId, attachmentName)
newAttachmentPath = '{}\\{}'.format(featureLayerFolder, fileName)
if not os.path.isfile(newAttachmentPath):
logger.info('The size of the current attachment being downloaded is {}MB'.format((attachmentSize/1000000)))
currentAttachmentPath = featureLayer.attachments.download(oid=currentObjectId, attachment_id=attachmentId, save_path=featureLayerFolder)
#Rename to ensure file name is unique
renameFile(currentAttachmentPath, newAttachmentPath)
downloadCounter += 1
downloadSizeCounter += attachmentSize
logger.info('File {} already exists. Not downloading again!'.format(newAttachmentPath))
nonDownloadCounter += 1else:
logger.error('AttachmentStorage option not valid: {}. Valid options are IndividualFolder and GroupedFolder'.format(AttachmentStorage))
emptyAttachments += 1
logger.info('{} of these features do not contain attachments'.format(str(emptyAttachments)))
logger.info('Layer {} does not have attachments enabled'.format(featureLayer.properties.name))logger.info('Summary: {} new files have been downloaded totalling {}MB in size'.format(downloadCounter, (downloadSizeCounter/1000000)))
logger.info('Summary: {} attachments already existed so were not downloaded again'.format(nonDownloadCounter))