I'm the guilty one, that was my presentation and my quote. Now I want to give it some context and ask a couple of questions.
Authoring symbology in ArcMap is a simple process but think of all the possibilities and all the options available via the symbology properties dialog. We could easily triple the arcpy.mapping API but just attempting to provide all that capability. We don't want to do that. We are trying to keep arcpy.mapping as simple as possible without making it as complex as ArcObjects. Do you just want to change the color ( should we include RGB, CMYK options), or will you also want to change the symbol size, outline width, pattern, etc, etc? That was the point of attempting to draw the line in the sand between what is pure map automation and what can be done with ArcObjects.
Help me understand, in a real mapping scenario, why do you need to dynamically change these symbol properties? Why does the color/size of a layer need to change going from map sheet to map sheet? If the point is to update the color for a layer in many map documents across a system, then UpdateLayer along with a layer file works really well (without having to recreate ArcObjects capabilities at the arcpy.mapping level).
I'm not trying to argue here, I'm looking for well documented scenarios to help us continue expanding the capabilities of arcpy.mapping where absolutely needed for map automation tasks. At 10.1, we added quite a few new capabilities including some symbology classes that are needed to support map automation: GraduatedColorSymbology, GraduatedSymbolsSymbology, etc.
Thanks for your help,