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Listing feature classes within a file geodatabase stored on an azure based file share returns empty string

08-16-2023 09:16 AM
Frequent Contributor

I have a file geodatabase on an azure file share and I'm having trouble using arcpy to list feature classes stored within. The path is along these lines: \\\tools\testing\test_data.gdb.

No matter what I try the returned list is always empty. Is there a specific path format that an azure based FGDB should be referenced when setting it as the workspace before running arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()?

I've tested the below path string using os.path.exists and returns true, but running arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() after returns an empty list.

arcpy.env.workspace = r"\\\\tools\\testing\\test_data.gdb".

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Have you tried to use your GDB locally? Does it return feature classes then? One more thing - do you have your feature classes directly in GDB or in feature datasets? If they're in feature datasets they won't be listed by ListFeatureClasses until arcpy.env.workspace is set specifically to feature dataset.

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If you can map to the fgdb via Pro, right click on it and 'copy path'. Try that in your code.

Since you are using the r decorator, you can change all of the separators after .net to \:    \\\tools\testing\ etc.  Without the r, you want to double up the beginning \\ to \\\\ so that two are escaped and you are left with \\.

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