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Large Data Migration Help: Moving MXD's, replacing old data sources with newly created data sources

04-03-2018 04:10 PM
Deactivated User

Fellow GIS gurus... I have been tasked with conducting a rather large migration of over 500 MXD's from one folder location to another.  So, a majority of the associated feature class data sources will need to be "re-sourced".  In addition, a chunk of the current feature class data within these MXD's will be replaced with new feature class data.  So how do I batch:

1. Re-source each feature class

2. Replace existing feature class data with the new data I've created.

Using Python, I'm thinking that I should

1. Create copies of all the MXD's to not disturb it's original form

2. re-source and replace data before moving the MXD's to their new location

I'm new to Python but up for the challenge. 

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4 Replies
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Is this just to modify the MXDs only or getting them ready to be republished?

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Deactivated User

Hi Anthony, I will be modifying the MXD's by removing old feature class layers and replacing them with new ones.  That said, the new feature class data will also have new names... I think this is where I am getting stuck.

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MVP Emeritus

You may want to check out /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2015/08/31/python-addin-for-data-inventory-and-broken-link-repair?sr=search&searc...‌  Even if you don't use it to make the repairs, it will help you get a handle on thethings you might need to check.  It's an addin for Desktop, but if you are using pro or installing the addin isn't an option...or you just want to check out the scripts, the .addin file is just a .zip.    you can extract and view or play with the code.

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Deactivated User

Thanks Rebecca.  I actually tried that addin and was successful in gaining a feature layer inventory that I think will be helpful for the actual execution of the larger code.