I'm working on a small project to label points based on a related table. I was able to get the labeling to work using this script:
def FindLabel([SIGN_ID]):
strWhereClause = '"sign_ID" = \'{0}\''.format([SIGN_ID])
strpTable = "agencies.DATA_ADMIN7.signs"
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(strpTable,"sign_order", strWhereClause)
result = ""
for row in cursor:
strLabel = str(row[0])
result += strLabel + "\n"
sort_fields = [["sign_order", "ASCENDING"]]
return result.rstrip()
What I need to do now is sort the results of the labeling by a certain field (in ascending order). Currently, the labels are showing up based on objectID and display as 1,3,2, I need to have them show up based on a "sign_Order" field - 1,2,3.
Does anyone know how to sort the labels in this way?
Any help is greatly appreciated!!