_Maybe I'm too new to this but with a list of tuples, I should be able to create points. They are being created but it creates an incorrect location. The first image shows the first 25 tuple coordinates and a each item being read to show its type.
Here is the code at the moment:
arcpy.AddMessage( topLine_Tuple[:25])
for i in topLine_Tuple[:25]:
# Creates an Empty Feature Class
topline_FC = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(dataset_Dir, "topline0", "POINT")
# Cursor
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(topline_FC, ['SHAPE@XY']) as insert_cursor:
for pnt in topLine_Tuple:
...So it does create the points but all in the same coordinate (see next image). I'd figure that:
by the way, all the points created result in the same long, lat (even though they are different in the tuple)
on the 4th line you have a double ]]
and then a bunch of singleton locations. Remove one of the ] from that line and put it at the end of your point list