Create a Python method called check anagram() that receives two strings and returns True if one of them is an anagram of the other. Otherwise, the function returns False.
If the two strings include repeated characters but none of the characters repeat at the same location, they are termed anagrams. The strings should all have the same length.
Wherever possible, use case-insensitive comparison.
Here's my code:
def check_anagram(data1,data2):
first = data1.lower()
second = data2.lower()
d1 = []
d2 = []
for i in range(0, len(first)):
for i in range(0, len(second)):
for_check1 = sorted(d1)
for_check2 = sorted(d2)
if (for_check1 != for_check2):
return False
count = 0
if (len(d1) == len(d2)):
for i in d1:
for j in d2:
if(i == j):
a = d1.index(i)
b = d2.index(j)
if(a == b):
return False
count += 1
if(count == len(first)):
return True
return False
print(check_anagram("Schoolmaster", "Theclassroom"))
Although this application returns relevant results for string values such as silence, listen, Moonstarrer, Astronomerapple, and mango, it does not return results for the aforementioned two strings (in code)
What instances am I overlooking in this code? How can this be fixed?
I'm not sure what you're trying to do after line 18. Can you explain that?
To check if two strings are anagrams, all you need is in your lines 1 to 16.
Instead of doing the conversion to list manually, you can just call list(your_string). To make it even easier, you can skip that step and call sorted(your_string).
So, this is all you need to check if two strings are anagrams:
def check_anagram(string_1, string_2):
return sorted(string_1.lower()) == sorted(string_2.lower())
check_anagram("a", "b")
check_anagram("abc", "bca")
check_anagram("schoolmaster", "theclassroom")
check_anagram("Schoolmaster", "TheClassroom")
check_anagram("Schoolmaster", "The Classroom")
To get that last example to work, you need to ignore spaces:
def check_anagram(string_1, string_2, ignore_spaces=False):
if ignore_spaces:
string_1 = string_1.replace(" ", "")
string_2 = string_2.replace(" ", "")
return sorted(string_1.lower()) == sorted(string_2.lower())
check_anagram("Schoolmaster", "The Classroom")
check_anagram("Schoolmaster", "The Classroom", True)