I have a loaded processing question and looking for some ideas...below is what I need to do...
I am importing a CSV file which ultimately will be a feature class. So if we start with the END result (Feature class) and I am looking to import a CSV file the question arises.....Can I append a CSV File to a Feature Class....I say no because there is no geometry in the CSV file other than Lat Long...SO that would bring us full circle (Assuming that the Master Feature Class already exists) to the beginning where I would have create a Staging feature class from the CSV and then append into the Master Feature Class housing all the records.
Proposed Steps:
Any other thoughts...did that make sense?
Solved! Go to Solution.
OK this is the FINAL SCRIPT... I cant thank you all enough for you help...
import arcpy
import datetime
import os, fnmatch
import shutil
# Function to modify two fields into a Time variable
def getdate(Hour, Minute):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(Hour).zfill(2) + ' ' + str(Minute).zfill(2), '%H %M')
#Function to loop through a directory and work through one file at a time
def findFiles (path, filter):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in fnmatch.filter(files, filter):
yield os.path.join(root, file)
fc = r'C:\Users\tjv36463\Desktop\BearCollar\BearLocationImports.gdb\BearCollar'
#Insert cursor for the Bikes feature class
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor (fc,["CollarSeri", "Year", "Julianday", "Hour", "Minute",
"Activity", "Temperatur", "Latitude", "Longitude", "HDOP", "NumSats", "FixTime",
"Date", "_2D_3D", "BearID", "CalcDate", "CalcDate3", "FileName", "SHAPE@XY"])
#Read through each line of the csv, but skip the first row because it is the header
#The count variable skips of the first row
for textFile in findFiles(r'C:/Users/tjv36463/Desktop/BearCollar/NewFiles/', '*.txt'):
#Read through each line of the csv, but skip the first row because it is the header
#The count variable skips of the first row
count = 0
for ln in open (textFile, 'r').readlines():
if count > 0:
#Each line in the csv is a string, so turn it into a list so you can reference
#each column
lineSplit = ln.split(",")
#Use index positions to get the right column from the csv
#Make sure the data is the correct type (i.e. X and Y need to be numbers,
#not strings)
CollarSeri = long(lineSplit[0])
Year = str(lineSplit[1])
Julianday = str(lineSplit[2])
Hour = int(lineSplit[3])
Minute = int(lineSplit[4])
Activity = int(lineSplit[5])
Temperature = int(lineSplit[6])
Latitude = float(lineSplit[7])
Longitude = float(lineSplit[8])
HDOP = str(lineSplit[9])
NumSats = int(lineSplit[10])
FixTime = int(lineSplit[11])
_2D_3D = int(lineSplit[12])
Date = str(lineSplit[13])
# convert the two time fields into one field to get 4:02:00PM format
# calls Function getDate at the top
getTime = getdate(Hour, Minute)
getTime2 = str(getTime)
getTime3 = getTime2[-8:]
# concatonate Date and Time to get 6/15/2016 4:02:00PM
getDateTime = (Date + getTime3)
# set variable for the File Name in which the record was take from
FileName = str(textFile)
#print (FileName)
if CollarSeri == 32488:
BearID = "1"
if CollarSeri == 32491:
BearID = "2"
if CollarSeri == 32495:
BearID = "3"
if CollarSeri == 32498:
BearID = "4"
if CollarSeri == 32500:
BearID = "5"
if CollarSeri == 32502:
BearID = "6"
if CollarSeri == 32501:
BearID = "7"
if CollarSeri == 33108:
BearID = "8"
if CollarSeri == 32499:
BearID = "9"
if CollarSeri == 32488:
BearID = "10"
if CollarSeri == 32496:
BearID = "11"
BearID = "0"
shapeVal = (Longitude, Latitude)
#Insert the values from csv into feature class
#The order of the fields here, matches the order of the fields in line 4
cursor.insertRow ([CollarSeri, Year, Julianday, Hour, Minute, Activity,
Temperature, Latitude, Longitude, HDOP, NumSats, FixTime, Date,
_2D_3D, BearID, getTime3, getDateTime, FileName, shapeVal])
count += 1
del cursor
## make sure that these directories exist
# move the files to new location to clear the folder for the next batch of files
dir_src = "C:\\users\\tjv36463\\Desktop\\BearCollar\\NewFiles\\"
dir_dst = "C:\\users\\tjv36463\\Desktop\\BearCollar\\MovedFiles\\"
for file in os.listdir(dir_src):
#print file # testing
src_file = os.path.join(dir_src, file)
dst_file = os.path.join(dir_dst, file)
shutil.move(src_file, dst_file)
print ("Processing Finished")
Create and Event Layer, then save the results.
Personally, I've never had luck using the Append tool with python. The field mappings are too confusing for me.
A trick I use for using append and other gp tools in python is to run it as a tool on the layer with your field mappings set and then in the geoprocessing results right click and "copy as python snippet" and paste it into my python code. I do this with most tools that have complicated inputs.
You can do virtually anything using python / arcpy
So, if you want to go directly from your input csv and append the records into an existing fc, that is no problem.
But your step outlined, are basically what you would do manually using a series of steps (or build a model).
No problem with either approach.
Is your target fc in the same coordinate system as the coordinates in the csv?
I would recommend looking into using a Data Access module InsertCursor. You can read through the lines of your CSV and insert them into an existing feature class. Since you have the latitude and longitude in the CSV, you can enter in the geometry using the SHAPE@XY token.
This may get you started...
How does it know what fields my XY Coordinates are in?
Add fields like this?
....snip (csv, ['SHAPEXY'], [date], [field1], [field2]) as cursor: ...snip
# Insert
....snip (fc, ['SHAPEXY'], [date], [field1], [field2]) as cursor: ...snip
Don't forget the '@' in the SHAPE@XY. Please format it like this:
... (csv, ["SHAPE@XY", "Date", "Field_1", "Field_2"]) as cursor
Each field is exasperated by quotations, not brackets.
ArcPy reads the geometries stored in the feature without them being an actual attribute.
Please read Brittany White's response above for a more in depth look into the InserCursor function and the SHAPE@XY token.
I have a CSV file I dont think I can use SHAPE@XY. DO I use the two XY FIelds somehow in the script?
If I understand your end goal correctly, you should be able to use Python to:
1. Read through each row in your csv
2. Insert each row from your csv into your feature class
The way you will write your geometry is using the SHAPE@XY token. Looking at the InsertCursor documentation, the SHAPE@XY expects "a tuple of the feature's centroid x,y coordinates". Your csv has an X field and Y field, so you can use that to create the tuple that will be passed to the cursor.
Here is an example of reading through the lines of a csv that has a header row of "X,Y,ADDRESS,TERMINAL_NUMBER,NUMBER_OF_BIKES":
import arcpy
#Insert cursor for the Bikes feature class
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor ("bikes",["X", "Y","Address","SHAPE@XY"])
#Read through each line of the csv, but skip the first row because it is the header
#The count variable skips of the first row
count =0
for ln in open (r"C:\Path\To\File.csv", 'r').readlines():
if count > 0:
#Each line in the csv is a string, so turn it into a list so you can reference each column
lineSplit = ln.split (",")
#Use index positions to get the right column from the csv
#Make sure the data is the correct type (i.e. X and Y need to be numbers, not strings)
xVal = float(lineSplit[0])
yVal = float(lineSplit[1])
addVal = lineSplit[2]
shapeVal = (xVal, yVal)
#Insert the values from csv into feature class
#The order of the fields here, matches the order of the fields in line 4
cursor.insertRow([xVal, yVal, addVal, shapeVal])
count += 1
del cursor