Hi guys, I want to do this kind of maps, actually I don't recognize what's the specific tool. But i have points with information so I would like to make it.
I cannot access the image you linked, so I don't know what the map looks like.
Hi Richar, can you see now?
There is no one tool that makes that map. It is the result of an analysis process
So...what steps i have to follow to do this kind of analysis?
This looks like something produced from Density tools in the Spatial Analyst extension.
FAQ: How can a heat map be created in ArcMap?
https://community.esri.com/community/gis/managing-data?sr=search&searchId=1c06c6bb-c662-40c7-86f8-f7... https://community.esri.com/community/gis/analysis/geoprocessing?sr=search&searchId=9586c7f9-cd6e-406...
As that's a web map, it could be as simple as publishing a feature layer using ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online, creating a web map and applying a heat map renderer to your layer. How it turns out depends on what your point data look like though.
You also have this posted in the Python place.
Why do you think python is needed as well?
You will have to take a snapshot of the map you are trying to creat, and give a little more information about how you data points are stored. Are they in an excel spreadsheet? A shapefile? A feature class?
what software do you have access to? ArcGiS online account only? (Organization or personal/public?) ArcPro? ArcGIS Desktop? Enterprise? (and versions) Are you looking to develop using Python (as Dan asked) or maybe the API for Python (different than just Python/arcpy) or maybe a web map using JavaScript?
lots of questions, I know. And a picture we can see would help answer some of this maybe. Many here willing to help, but not enough info yet for us to answer.