How to use defined parameters in a tool ?

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08-07-2014 04:15 AM
New Contributor II

I'm very new at python, and I don't understand how to use the defined parameters in the source code of the tool.

I'm trying to create a tool (with clip and contour tools) who can be used by any user (not specified folders or classes). My script is in attachment.

Can somebody take a look ? :S


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14 Replies
New Contributor II

Thanks Adam for the tips ! I'm going to take a look

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Occasional Contributor

This is not helpful to the problem, but just curious why the choice for a python toolbox.
I just haven't found a reason to do this yet.

I am currently looking into your problem though.

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New Contributor II

I create this python toolbox to facilitate a big number of tasks by automating a sucession of tools.

But I find out the solution thanks to all for your advices.

I was just complicating myself with a tons of parameters.

Thanks everyone!

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

To get you started, have a look at the code below. Use this script by adding it as a script to a new toolbox.

Define the 5 parameters as explained on line 18 - 22


# Name:

# Purpose:     clip raster and create contours


# Author:      Sandrine Carmet


# Created:     08/08/2014


class LicenseError(Exception):


def main():

    import arcpy

    import os

    # read the parameters

    fc_extent = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # define as featurelayer, filter polygon, direction input

    ras_in = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # define as rasterlayer, direction input

    ras_clip = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # define as raster dataset, direction output

    fc_contour = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) # define as featureclass, direction output

    interval = arcpy.GetParameter(4) # define as Double, set min and max range, provide default

    # configuration of contours

    contour_interval = interval # not 4...

    base_contour = 0

    z_factor = 1


        if arcpy.CheckExtension("3D") == "Available":



            # raise exception

            raise LicenseError

        # set in memory workspace

        arcpy.env.workspace = "IN_MEMORY"

        # Determine the extent of the fc

        extent = arcpy.Describe(fc_extent).extent

        ext_txt = "{0} {1} {2} {3}".format(extent.XMin, extent.YMin, extent.XMax, extent.YMax)

        # Clip the raster

        arcpy.Clip_management(ras_in, ext_txt, ras_clip, fc_extent, "#", "ClippingGeometry")

        # Create the contours

        arcpy.Contour_3d(ras_clip, fc_contour, contour_interval, base_contour, z_factor)

        # return license


        # outputs are automatically added to the TOC...

    except LicenseError:

        print("3D Analyst license is unavailable")

    except arcpy.ExecuteError:


if __name__ == '__main__':


Once you run the script successfully, you can go to the Results windows and see the syntax for executing the script.

# Replace a layer/table view name with a path to a dataset (which can be a layer file) or create the layer/table view within the script

# The following inputs are layers or table views: "pols", "DEMsmpro"


You could create another script that simply executes this script or change the script to work with a list of inputs.

Kind regards, Xander

MVP Esteemed Contributor

I agree that Python toolboxes (.pyt) are not always the best choice -- and definitely not for beginners. I too have not found a compelling case to go there yet.

The main advantages I see as this point are 1) better capability in parameter validation (especially with complex parameter inputs like value tables and 2) a fully-python solution for people that are very fluent in that environment.  Some downsides include all the external files .pyt requires (each tool documentation is a separate XML file) and more difficult debugging (for most people).

I totally recommend you going back to the tbx way of doing it.