I'm trying to create a an arctool with two inputs: a line feature and multiple layer. I want the tool to do the StackProfile and display the profile of this line feature on the multiple layers in a graph, so that I can compare the difference. Here are some codes:
graph = arcpy.Graph()
num = 0
for profileTarget in profileTargets:
profileTable = "test" + str(num)
target = profileTarget.name
arcpy.ddd.StackProfile( profileLine, target, profileTable)
graph.addSeriesLineVertical( profileTable, "FIRST_Z", "FIRST_DIST")
num += 1
graphName = "VerticalBarGraph"
arcpy.manegement.MakeGraph( inputTemplate, graph, graphName)
graphFile = "test.png"
arcpy.management.SaveGraph( graphName, graphFile)
When there is only one surface layer, it works fine. But an error occured when there are more than one layer at MakeGraph function, it seems a arcpy.Graph can't have two vertical lines displayed. Anyone has ideas about this or some other solution can I use?
do you remember the error?
It says my parameter is unvalid:
ERROR 001020: Input series error. Parameter list is incompatible.