I looked at arcpy.describe but it's not what I am after.
If I can figure out how many features are in a shapefile, or how many datasets in a folder etc, it will be easy to create some for routines to process each one.
But until I find that property I am a bit stumped. Any tips on how to retrieve the answer in Python?
I know the answer is 10,000 from the attribute table - I created a 100 by 100 grid of regular points in a shapefile using Hawth's Tools. But I want to get that info programatically.
Hi James - I believe what you are looking for is called Get Count. It will return the number of records found in the attribute table of a feature class, table or raster.
Hi James - I believe what you are looking for is called Get Count. It will return the number of records found in the attribute table of a feature class, table or raster.