Hello everyone,
The goal of this process is to dissolve polygons with the same ID (ContentID)
To do that I created a SQL query and run it pointing to the database, not using SDE. This solution works but I would like to replace it with a code that uses only SDE GIS access. I think it needs "Select By Attributes"
Let me know how can I replace this code
Dim mySQLQuery As String = " SELECT CONTENTID, COUNT(CONTENTID) AS Counter " _
& "FROM (TICKET) " _
& "ORDER BY Counter DESC "
Dim myReaderAs SqlDataReader
' Initialize the Geoprocessor
Dim GP As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor()
' Create the GPUtilites object
Dim gputilities As IGPUtilities = New GPUtilitiesClass()
Dim Err As CreateLogFiles = New CreateLogFiles()
Dim pFeatureClass As String = pathOutput
Dim pFeatureDissolve As String = pathDissolve
Dim pDeleteTool As Delete
Dim pMakeFeatureLayer As MakeFeatureLayer
Dim pDissolve As Dissolve
Dim pDeleteFeatures As DeleteFeatures
Dim dt As Object = ""
Dim bExists As Boolean
Dim myCONTENTID As String
Dim command As New SqlCommand(mySQLQuery, mySQLConn)
myReader= command.ExecuteReader()
' Always call Read before accessing data.
' Set the OverwriteOutput setting to True
GP.OverwriteOutput = True
If myReader.HasRows Then ------------------------------ LOOP
While myReader.Read()
' searchs for records with ContentId duplicated in Ticket
' deletes if exists existing feature class TicketDissolve
' dissolves it in TicketDissolve
' removes features from source Ticket
' copies dissolved record into Ticket
' STEP 1: Delete Existing feature class TicketDissolve
bExists = GP.Exists(pFeatureDissolve, dt)
If bExists Then
pDeleteTool = New Delete()
pDeleteTool.in_data = pFeatureDissolve
pDeleteTool.data_type = "FeatureClass"
RunTool(GP, pDeleteTool, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Delete TicketDissolve ")
End If
' STEP 2: Make feature layer using the MakeFeatureLayer tool for the current ContentID .
pMakeFeatureLayer = New MakeFeatureLayer()
' Process: Make Feature Layer...
pMakeFeatureLayer.in_features = pFeatureClass
pMakeFeatureLayer.out_layer = "Ticket_Layer"
myCONTENTID = myReader.GetString(0)
pMakeFeatureLayer.where_clause = "CONTENTID ='" & myCONTENTID & "'"
RunTool(GP, pMakeFeatureLayer, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Content ID: " & myReader.GetString(0))
Console.WriteLine("Records Count: " & myReader.GetInt32(1))
Dim pGetCount As GetCount = New GetCount()
pGetCount.in_rows = "Ticket_Layer"
RunTool(GP, pGetCount, Nothing)
' STEP 3: Dissolve features .
pDissolve = New Dissolve()
pDissolve.in_features = "Ticket_Layer"
pDissolve.out_feature_class = pFeatureDissolve
' pDissolve.dissolve_field = ""
pDissolve.dissolve_field = "TICKETNO;VERNO;.....;CONTENTID"
pDissolve.multi_part = "MULTI_PART"
pDissolve.unsplit_lines = "DISSOLVE_LINES"
' Process: Dissolve...
RunTool(GP, pDissolve, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Dissolve ")
pAppend.inputs = pFeatureDissolve
pAppend.target = pFeatureClass
pAppend.schema_type = "TEST"
End While
End If
You should be able to find unique values with the arcpy.da module.
import arcpy
inFeatures = r'path_to_feature_class'
outPath = r'path_to_output_database'
unique = set(row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(feautre, ['ID'])) #all unique values
arcpy.MakeFeautreLayer_management(inFeatures, 'lyr') #make layer to query
#loop over unique values, and select then dissolve
for u in unique:
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttributes_management('lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', "ID = {0}".format(u))
outFC = os.path.join(outPath, u)
arcpy.Dissolve_management('lyr', outFC)
EDIT: I'm sorry, I didn't originally understand the post. The updated code above may get you started.
I dissolving all the features with the same ContentID, but first I need to find the ones that repeated to dissolve them.