How to extent of the map view as an image format in arcgis pro to the same size as polygon's feature class?
From converting this code
import arcpy, os
aprx ="CURRENT")
mv = aprx.activeView
# Change the extent of the map view
ext =
ext.XMin = ext.XMin
ext.YMin = ext.YMin
ext.XMax = ext.XMax
ext.YMax = ext.YMax
Output_File = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, 'ActiveMapView3.png')
mv.exportToPNG(Output_File, width=1000, height=1000)
I think you can just use the MapFrame class to do this.
import arcpy
aprx ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Yosemite.aprx")
m = aprx.listMaps("Yose*")[0]
lyr = m.listLayers("Ranger Stations")[0]
lyt = aprx.listLayouts("Main Attr*")[0]
mf = lyt.listElements("mapframe_element", "Yosemite National Park")[0], False, True))
aprx.exportToPNG(out_png, {resolution}, {world_file}, {color_mode}, {embed_color_profile})
del aprx
I don't understand the coding of these 3 lines.
lyr = m.listLayers("Ranger Stations")[0]
lyt = aprx.listLayouts("Main Attr*")[0]
mf = lyt.listElements("mapframe_element", "Yosemite National Park")[0]
Those are from the example in the Docs.
lyr = m.listLayers("Ranger Stations")[0] < replace with the name of the layer in your project that you want to get the extent from
lyt = aprx.listLayouts("Main Attr*")[0] < replace with your layout name in your project
mf = lyt.listElements("mapframe_element", "Yosemite National Park")[0] < replace 'Yosemite National Park' with your element name from your layout
Take a read of the Discussion in the docs. It explains the Layout and ListElements methods. MapFrame