I'm using the code below to publish an image service, works fine. But I need to be able to delete the existing service before creating the new one with the same name (or alternatively I'd like to overwrite the existing one with the new one). Does anyone know the proper code to delete an image service, or else the required adjustment to have this overwrite the existing image service? Thanks!
import arcpy
import os
MDWorkspace = "K:\Image Server Cache\VIMS\CCRM"
ConnectionFileWorkspace = "C:\Users\dschatt\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.5\ArcCatalog"
GDBpath = os.path.join(MDWorkspace,GdbName)
Name = "SCHISM_Data"
Md = os.path.join(GDBpath, Name)
Sddraft = os.path.join(MDWorkspace, Name + ".sddraft")
Sd = os.path.join(MDWorkspace, Name + ".sd")
con = os.path.join(ConnectionFileWorkspace, "arcgis on mobjack.vims.edu_6080 (publisher).ags")
print "Creating SD draft"
arcpy.CreateImageSDDraft(Md, Sddraft, "SCHISM_48HoursData", 'ARCGIS_SERVER', con, False, "VIMS_CCRM", None, "SCHISM, 48HoursData")
arcpy.StageService_server(Sddraft, Sd)
arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(Sd, con)
print "Service successfully published"