I'm trying to delete all features from the SDE layer that has topology... the script fails on the arcpy.DeleteFeatures...
arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
A class in the topology necessitates validation being run within an edit session. [county.GIS_SDE.BldgInsp]
Failed to execute (DeleteFeatures).
Here is what I have:
SDE_bldginsp = county_con + os.sep + "county.GIS_SDE.bldginsp"
areafield = "SHAPE.area"
sde_concounty = sdeConnClass.SDE_Connection(gis_server, gis_dbcounty,'gis_sde','gis_sde')
county_con = sde_concounty.connection
gv.SDE_countyconnection = county_con
bldginspSDE_layer = "bldginsp_layer"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(SDE_bldginsp, bldginspSDE_layer, "", "", "")
query = areafield + " > 0"
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(bldginspSDE_layer, "NEW_SELECTION", query)
with arcpy.da.Editor(countyconnection) as edit:
print " deleting old features."
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(bldginspSDE_layer, "NEW_SELECTION", query)
print "Deleted selected features from bldginsp "
# APPEND local DORSalTx to SDE DORSalTx...
fclist = [bldginsp_county_city_erased]
arcpy.Append_management(fclist, bldginspSDE_layer)
msg = "bldginsp updated sucessfully"
print msg
#print msg
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
I also ran into this. Were you able to ever find a solution?
I'm running in to this now as well. Were you ever able to resolve this?