How to connect a argis, sde version through stand alone python script. SDE.Mapping is child version of SDE.Default and I want to make child version of SDE.Mapping . I am using direct sde services, sde:oracle11g:dbname
I need to know command of python to connect to a sde version.
Hi Tarun,
You can do this using the Create Database Connection tool. There is an optional parameter, version, where you can specify the database version. Ex:
arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management("Database Connections", "ORCL", "ORACLE", "SDESERVER", "DATABASE_AUTH", "vector", "vector", "SAVE_USERNAME", "#", "#", "TRANSACTIONAL", "VECTOR.Child1")
Thanks Jake, it worked
Jake, do you know
How to start, stop and save edits in python script for arcmap version 10.0.
arcpy.da.editing is working for arcmap 10.1 version onwards
I am having a similar issue. I am trying to connect to a version other than DEFAULT by providing version parameter. But it is always connecting to DEFAULT version. Could you please provide any input on this? Here is the code i used
arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management(out_folder_path="Database Connections",
In the immediate window right pane it shows as
Executing: CreateDatabaseConnection "Database Connections" creaconn5.sde ORACLE srv1/testgis DATABASE_AUTH sde ***** SAVE_USERNAME # SDE TRANSACTIONAL # #
You can observe that, even though I specified version parameter, it took it as blank (#)
Could you help in identifying what went wrong?