Using the below script, I'm not able to change a layers symbology if it is already set. For example, I have three layers with 4 break values and labels each. The intention of the script is to change a break value and label. If I run the script on the layers as they exist currently, the script runs successfully, but the changes aren't made and I get an error of sorts in the Symbology pane.
Three graduated colors layers before running script.
I change a break value from 55.3 to 56.3, and it's corresponding label. Then I run the script.
import arcpy, os, sys
# Reference a project, map, and layer using
p ='current')
m = p.listMaps()[0]
lyr = m.listLayers()
for l in lyr[1:4]:
sym = l.symbology
if hasattr(sym, 'renderer'):
if sym.renderer.type == 'GraduatedColorsRenderer':
sym.renderer.classificationField = 'VaccPercentageTotPop'
print(f'changing layer symbology for {l}')
#enter class break values
classBreakValues = [40, 45, 56.3, 100]
classBreakLabels = ["0% - 40%", "40.01% - 45%", "45.01% - 56.3%", "55.31% - 100%"]
# Run the renderer.breakCount function to use the classBreakValues array parameters as the values, and create a counter.
sym.renderer.breakCount = len(classBreakValues)
count = 0
#Create a loop to set the renderer
for brk in sym.renderer.classBreaks:
brk.upperBound = classBreakValues[count]
brk.label = classBreakLabels[count]
count +=1
l.symbology = sym
### changing layer symbology for Elementary Districts
### changing layer symbology for Secondary Districts
### changing layer symbology for Unified Districts
The following is what happens. I get a warning in the Symbology pane (which doesn't tell me much).
And my layers no longer have values.
I don't suppose "CURRENT" would be the cause given that this is python and assuming esri would be following pythonic adherence to case sensitivity etc ....
"CURRENT" and "current" seem to be interchangeable I've found.
However, if I reset the layers' symbology, and then run the script it works fine. But, I won't be resetting the symbology every time just so I can run the script, of course. By "reset" I mean physically changing the symbology: Graduated Colors --> Unique Values --> back to Graduated Colors.
For some reason, it doesn't like that the symbology is already set as Graduated Colors.
I've also tried the script as a standalone. No cigar.
but sadly you didn't get an error message for little "current".
Now that you mention it, I have found your "Graduated Colors --> Unique Values --> back to Graduated Colors" my experience when working manually with classifications... It is almost instinctive now that you mention it.