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Field Mappings in Python made easy

09-26-2012 10:30 AM
Deactivated User
To All,

Often times I have a shapefile that I need to "export" using different field names and field order.  To do that, I developed a python script that lets me easily change the input and output field names and specify the order.  I've included a zip file with some data as an example, just unzip everything to the same folder and run the python script...  Hope this is helpful... (EDIT: This should have been a discussion, not a question...sorry...)

import arcpy

def MainScript():
    global arcpy
        # The input feature class (inputFC) can be either relative path or hard-coded path
        inputFC = "CenterlinesOriginal.shp"

        # The folder name specified in the outputFC_Path must exist before running the script
        # If you want the new shapefile to exist in the same directory as the script, just make outputFC_Path = ""
        # If you want to store it in a file geodatabase, set the outputFC_Path = "OHMarionCountyData.gdb/OHMarionCountyDataset"
        outputFC_Path = "GISDataSubFolder"

        # This is the name of the new shapefile or feature class
        outputFC_Name = "CenterlinesFinal.shp"

        # Specify any WHERE conditions as necessary
        outputFC_WhereClause = ""

        # Code that sets the field mappings, adjust as needed in the GetFieldMaps() function
        fcFieldMaps = GetFieldMaps()
        fieldmappings = GetFieldMappings(inputFC, fcFieldMaps)

        # Set overwrite option
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

        # Output the new shapefile using the FeatureClassToFeatureClass tool
        arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(inputFC, outputFC_Path, outputFC_Name, outputFC_WhereClause, fieldmappings, "")

        print "DONE!!!"

    except Exception, err:
        print err


def GetFieldMaps():
    # First column is the original field name
    # Second column is the desired field name
    # Third column is field type
    # Fourth column is field length
    # I put extra spaces in to line up all the columns and make it easier to read.
    # !!! Be sure to put extra spaces between the quotes and comma's, not between field name and quotes
    # See first line below for example of how NOT to do it...

    fcFieldMaps = []
#   fcFieldMaps.append(["ST_PREFIX   ", "STR_PRE     ", "String   ",   2])  # !!! Extra spaces in WRONG place !!!
    fcFieldMaps.append(["ST_PREFIX"   , "STR_PRE"     , "String"   ,   2])  # Correct use of extra spaces...
    fcFieldMaps.append(["ST_NAME"     , "STR_NAME"    , "String"   ,  30])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["ST_TYPE"     , "STR_TYPE"    , "String"   ,   4])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["ST_SUFFIX"   , "STR_SUFFIX"  , "String"   ,   2])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["ST_SUFFIX2"  , "STR_SUFIX2"  , "String"   ,   2])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LEFTFROM"    , "L_ADD_FROM"  , "Long"     ,   0])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LEFTTO"      , "L_ADD_TO"    , "Long"     ,   0])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["RIGHTFROM"   , "R_ADD_FROM"  , "Long"     ,   0])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["RIGHTTO"     , "R_ADD_TO"    , "Long"     ,   0])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LSN"         , "LSN"         , "String"   ,  64])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LCOMM"       , "L_CITY"      , "String"   ,  30])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["RCOMM"       , "R_CITY"      , "String"   ,  30])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LSTATE"      , "L_STATE"     , "String"   ,   2])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["RSTATE"      , "R_STATE"     , "String"   ,   2])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LEFTZIP"     , "L_ZIP"       , "String"   ,   5])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["RIGHTZIP"    , "R_ZIP"       , "String"   ,   5])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["LCOUNTY"     , "L_COUNTY"    , "String"   ,   3])
    fcFieldMaps.append(["RCOUNTY"     , "R_COUNTY"    , "String"   ,   3])

    return fcFieldMaps


def GetFieldMappings(InputFeatureClass, FieldMapsList):
    This function returns a FieldMappings object FOR ONLY ONE input feature class
        fieldmappings = arcpy.FieldMappings()
        for field in FieldMapsList:
            fldmap = arcpy.FieldMap()
            fldmap.addInputField(InputFeatureClass, field[0])
            fld = fldmap.outputField
   = field[1]
            fld.aliasName = field[1]
            fld.type = field[2]
            fld.length = field[3]
            fldmap.outputField = fld
            print "  Added field %s" % (field[1])

        return fieldmappings

    except Exception, err:
        print err


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Jason Miller
National Institute for Public Safety Technology
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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Could you make this into a script or a tool?
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Frequent Contributor

The shapefile in the zip download is missing the .dbf file and therefore does not work with the script.

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