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Extracting rasters from NetCDF files based on time dimension

09-11-2016 10:18 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have single netCDF file which contain monthly data for different year. (Format of date e.g 2001-1-1, 2001-2-1, 2001-3-1…….2002-12-1...............2015-0-1......2015-12-1). 

Here-with i have attached a snapshot of data format from Arc GIS multidimension tool 

I trying to extract each month raster for selected year (e.g only 2002). Save it as 01-2002, 02-2002, 03-2002…..12-2002.

I appreciate any help you can provide on the crucial bottom code.

Here is what I have so far:


# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *

outLoc = r"D:\MODIS_NPP_02_15"
inNetCDF = r"D:\MODIS_NPP_02_15\"

variable = "npp"
x_dimension = "lon"
y_dimension = "lat"
band_dimension = ""
dimension = "time"
valueSelectionMethod = "BY_VALUE"

nc_FP = arcpy.NetCDFFileProperties(inNetCDF)
nc_Dim = nc_FP.getDimensions()

for dimension in nc_Dim:
        if dimension == "time":
            top = nc_FP.getDimensionSize(dimension)
            for i in range(0, top):

                dimension_values = nc_FP.getDimensionValue(dimension, i)
                nowFile = str(dimension_values)
                nowFile = nowFile.translate(None, '/')
                # I needed only the years 2002
                if int(nowFile[-12]) > 6:

                    dv1 = ["time", dimension_values]
                    dimension_values = [dv1]

                    arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(inNetCDF, variable, x_dimension, y_dimension, nowFile, band_dimension, dimension_values, valueSelectionMethod)
                    print "success"
                    outname = outLoc + nowFile

                   arcpy.CopyRaster_management(nowFile, outname, +".tif","", "", "", "NONE", "NONE", "")

                else: print "DATA OUT OF RANGE"‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
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13 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Dan Patterson‌, I corrected the line by replace line no 4 suggested by you. Now i am getting following error massage. Error massage displaying output raster name can't be more than 13 character. So whats is the possible way to short the output raster name 

Message     File Name     Line     Position     
    <module>     D:\Arc-GIS-Python-Script\     39          
    CopyRaster     C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\arcpy\arcpy\     11034          
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000472: Name of single band grid cannot have more than 13 characters
Failed to execute (CopyRaster).
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MVP Emeritus

Yes... esri grids can't have filenames that long... the solution is to shorten what your have or make up a new name

>>> outLoc = r"D:\MODIS_NPP_02_15"
>>> outFile = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>> outfile = "abcdefghijklmnNPP_2001_15"
>>> result = outLoc + "\\N" + outfile[-7:]
>>> result
>>> # or for slice/dice and replace all at once...
>>> result2 = outLoc + "\\N" + outfile[-7:].replace("200","0")
>>> result2
Frequent Contributor

i renamed the input name as well as folder name to make it short, but error still persist . PyScripter getting crash 

Message     File Name     Line     Position     
    __call__     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     196          
    syncreq     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     71          
    sync_request     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     431          
    serve     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     379          
    _recv     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     337          
    recv     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     50          
    read     E:\Geo_Softwares\PyScripter\PyScripter\Lib\\rpyc\core\     166          
exceptions.EOFError: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host                    
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MVP Emeritus

It is the folder name and the file name that is more important.  And how does that come into play?