I am currently working on a tool that converts CAD files submitted by users and then extracts the data and processes it in such a way that we can use that data internally. I need to enable the end user to select or upload the cad dataset and select the type of feature classes that are involved. So my question is, is there a way to set up the tool validation to select all of the feature classes that are in the CAD dataset?
class ToolValidator:
# Class to add custom behavior and properties to the tool and tool parameters.
def __init__(self):
# set self.params for use in other function
self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo()
def initializeParameters(self):
# Customize parameter properties.
# This gets called when the tool is opened.
def updateParameters(self):
# Modify parameter values and properties.
# This gets called each time a parameter is modified, before
# standard validation.
CAD_Dataset = self.params[2].value
featureclasses = self.params[3].filter
fieldname = self.params[4].valueAsText
SubdivisionLayers = self.params[5].filter
ParcelsLayers = self.params[6].filter
RoadLayers = self.params[7].filter
if CAD_Dataset:
featureclasses.list = [fc for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(CAD_Dataset)]
fieldname = "Layer"
fcfields = [fieldname]
attributevalues = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(featureclass, fcfields)]
UniqueAttributes = set(attributevalues)
SubdivisionLayers.list = [str(value) for value in UniqueAttributes]
ParcelsLayers.list = [str(value) for value in UniqueAttributes]
RoadLayers.list = [str(value) for value in UniqueAttributes]
def updateMessages(self):
# Customize messages for the parameters.
# This gets called after standard validation.
# def isLicensed(self):
# # set tool isLicensed.
# return True
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.