Hi everyone,
I am using #Arcgis pro 2.5 and I have an issue 😞
I am using the code above with a aprx with a map, a layout and some bookmarks.to export to pdf a layout zooming to differents boukmarks...
And it work unless I uncomment this line :
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(layerSet,"*")
Then, the mapframe is empty 😞
But I want to iterate through Row objects and extract field values in my global code !
Any idea ?
import arcpy, os, time from arcpy import env # define the project aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT") # Define the first map m = aprx.listMaps()[0] # first layer in m layerSet = m.listLayers()[0] #cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(layerSet,"*") # define the first layout layoutwork = aprx.listLayouts()[0] # define first mapframe in the layout mf = layoutwork.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT")[0] # list of the bookmarks bkmks = mf.map.listBookmarks() #loop of the boukmarks for bkmk in bkmks: # zoom to the bookmark mf.zoomToBookmark(bkmk) # export in pdf layoutwork.exportToPDF(os.path.join(r"C:\temp", f"{bkmk.name}.pdf"))
Hi, I'd probably investigate what the listlayers() is generating by throwing in a print statement.
The cursor should accept a layer object as input, but maybe try layer.dataSource instead (look up the syntax as my capital letters are usually mixed up...).
A final thought is that you may have to specify the dataframe object being passed into listlayers()
Hi David,
Thank you for your answer 😉
Return the longName of the first layer ie : sel\Region
Return the 'short' name of the first layer : Region
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(layerSet.dataSource,"*")
Have the same result : the mapframe is empty 😞
How do you do :
David Pike a écrit:
specify the dataframe object being passed into listlayers()
Thank you
oh I thought print(layerSet) would return an Object.
What are you intending to do with the cursor and the code in general? I cant see a use of the cursor after it's instantiated. Would give me a better insight when reading the code.
Hi David,
This is my code :
import arcpy, os from arcpy import env # define the projet aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT") # Défine the map m = aprx.listMaps("Departmental")[0] # define the layout layoutwork = aprx.listLayouts("MEP")[0] # define the mapframe mf = layoutwork.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT")[0] # layers list in m(ap) layerSets = m.listLayers() # Region layout layerRegion = m.listLayers("Region")[0] # Number of row in Region result = arcpy.GetCount_management("Sel\Region") nbregion = int(result.getOutput(0)) print("nb regions : "+str(nbregion)) # Loop Region layer with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(layerRegion, 'admin1Name') as cursor: # for every région for row in cursor: LaRegion = row[0] print("--- Création des cartes pour : "+LaRegion) # find the bookmark of the region bkmks = mf.map.listBookmarks() for bkmk in bkmks: if bkmk.name == LaRegion: mf.zoomToBookmark(bkmk) # loop for every layer in the map for layerSet1 in layerSets: # If The layer is in a group and it's not region if layerSet1.name != layerSet1.longName and layerSet1.name != "Region": print(layerSet1.name) # If the layer is gris if layerSet1.name == "gris": print("yoman------gris") # If the layer is not gris else: layerSet1.visible = True ensDef = '"admin1Name" =\'' + LaRegion + '\'' layerSet1.definitionQuery = ensDef NomFichier = "D:\\temp\\"+LaRegion+"_"+layerSet1.name+".pdf" layoutwork.exportToPDF(NomFichier) layerSet1.visible = False
Thank you for your help 😉
And the result :