I am trying to run my program and when i get to this part of the program
I get the error that global name 'Primary_OH is not defined. Can someone look at my code and tell what i need to do to fix this.
Solved! Go to Solution.
also, after i removed line 88 the program ran fine but all of the feeders were still showing on the map. What do i have to do after the program runs lines 86-89 to not show feeders that are not the one selected such as 2050. This will be a variable that the user selects from a list.
This is my partially completed python script:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
import Tkinter, arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("C:/GISMAPS/LUS Map.mxd")
#mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
#reset (overwrite) MakeFeatureLayer_management. This is needed so you can run the program more than once.
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#delete the layer
#set variables for when you run the section of program that set the layers that should be on
geodatabase = "C:\gismaps\LusData.mdb"
dataset = "ElectricData"
feature_class = "PriOHElectricLineSegment"
#Create main window
window = Tk()
window.title("Feeders Selection")
#Define the frame for the feeders to be displayed
frame = Frame(window)
frame.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=15, pady=5)
listNodes = Listbox(frame, width=10, height=10, font=("Helvetica", 10))
listNodes.pack(side="left", fill="y")
#Define the scrollbar in frame window
scrollbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient="vertical")
scrollbar.pack(side="right", fill="y")
#Add the selection of all feeders
for item in [2050, 2051, 2052,
3050, 3051, 3052, 3550,
4050, 4051, 4052,
5050, 5051, 5052]:
listNodes.insert(END, item)
feeder = listNodes.get(ACTIVE)
#Define all of the checkboxes
prioh_var = IntVar()
priug_var = IntVar()
secoh_var = IntVar()
secug_var = IntVar()
fuse_var = IntVar()
switch_var = IntVar()
sp_var = IntVar()
cap_var = IntVar()
rec_var = IntVar()
pinhook_var = IntVar()
mall_var = IntVar()
peck_var = IntVar()
pri_oh = Checkbutton(window, text = "Primary Overhead", variable = prioh_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=2, y=175)
pri_ug = Checkbutton(window, text = "Primary Underground", variable = priug_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=12, y=200)
sec_oh = Checkbutton(window, text = "Secondary Overhead", variable = secoh_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=8, y=225)
sec_ug = Checkbutton(window, text = "Secondary Underground", variable = secug_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=18, y=250)
fuse = Checkbutton(window, text = "Fuse", variable = fuse_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=400, y=10)
switch = Checkbutton(window, text = "Switch", variable = switch_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=405, y=35)
servicepoint = Checkbutton(window, text = "Service Point", variable = sp_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=420, y=88)
capacitor = Checkbutton(window, text = "Capacitor", variable = cap_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=412, y=60)
recloser = Checkbutton(window, text = "Recloser", variable = rec_var,onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=409, y=87)
pinhook = Checkbutton(window, text = "Pinhook", variable = pinhook_var, state = DISABLED, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=175, y=15)
mall = Checkbutton(window, text = "Mall", variable = mall_var, state = DISABLED, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=165, y=45)
peck = Checkbutton(window, text = "Peck", variable = peck_var, state = DISABLED, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20).place(x=165, y=75)
#Commit all of the options
def commit():
feeder = listNodes.get(ACTIVE)
#print feeder
#my_label = Label(window, text=prioh_var.get()).pack()
#check to see which inputs have been selected
#Primary Overhead
if prioh_var.get() == 1:
print("pri_oh = 1")
# show primary overhead feeder where feederid = feeder -ie: [FEEDERID] = "2050"
print "Primary_OH"
print feeder
layer_name = "Primary OH"
primary_oh = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, layer_name)[0]
primary_oh.definitionQuery = "[FEEDERID] = '2050'"
#Primary_OH_path = r"{0}\{1}\{2}".format(geodatabase, dataset, feature_class)
#Primary_OH = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(Primary_OH_path, "Primary_OH_layer2")
print("pri_oh = 0")
# do not display primary overhead feeder for [FEEDERID] = "2050"
#Primary Underground
if priug_var.get() == 1:
print("pri_ug = 1")
print feeder
layer_name = "Primary UG"
primary_ug = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, layer_name)[0]
primary_ug.definitionQuery = "[FEEDERID] = '2050'"
#print("pri_ug = 0")
# do not display primary underground feeder for [FEEDERID] = "2050"
#reset all variables
#def reset():
#Button to run the commit command
Button(window, text="commit", command=commit).place(x=300, y=350)
#Button to run the reset command
#Button(window, text="reset", command=reset).place(x=400, y=350)
#Quit the program
Button(window, text="Quit", command=window.destroy).place(x=500, y=350)
The program ran fine but all of the feeders were still showing on the map. What do i have to do to alter the script so that when the program runs lines 90-92 the feeders that are not the one selected (such as 2050) are not shown?. This field will be a variable that the user selects from a list so i need to allow this to be a variable
Thanks for your help
Hi Rick
looks pretty good!
Adds the following command to end of the script to save changes to the map.
i added mxd.save() and got the following:
I pretty sure that i have access to the file.
According to Joe Borgione mentioned, Use "r" before a variable that include a path,
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:/GISMAPS/LUS Map.mxd")
instead of
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("C:/GISMAPS/LUS Map.mxd")
I will check on the permissions. By adding mxd.save() to the script does this make a permanent save to the file?
I added the new path and still got the same answer
Try executing the Python Script as administrator to test if is a permissions issue.
ran as admin and still received the error. I am sorry for taking up so much of your time. I do appreciate it
Adds the mxd.save() command before quit the full program , may be in line 115, inside commit function. Don't forget indentation.
#Commit all of the options
def commit():
# -------------------#
# All your code here #
# -------------------#