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Disapearing multivalue items

05-24-2011 04:22 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi All,
I have a multivalue toolbox item containing the folowing defaults:
405 RDY Flevoland en Afsluitdijk
539 DLB Wegendistrict Venlo
549 DLB Wegendistrict St. Joost
580 DNB Wegendistrict Breda
581 DNB Wegendistrict Eindhoven
582 DNB Wegendistrict `s-Hertogenbosch
410 DNH Wegendistrict Alkmaar
420 DNH Wegendistrict Amsterdam
704 DNN Wegendistrict Friesland
711 DNN Wegendistrict Groningen-Drenthe
611 DOM Wegendistrict Zwolle
622 DNN Wegendistrict Veluwe
629 DON Wegendistrict Twente en Achterhoek
644 DON Wegendistrict Arnhem-Nijmegen
433 DUT Wegendistrict Utrecht
510 DZL Wegendistrict Zeeland
424 DZH Wegendistrict Haaglanden
428 DZH Wegendistrict Rijnmond
448 DZH Wegendistrict Zuid-Hollandse Waarden

The idea is the user selects 1 item from the list. However, now in 9.3, they have become checkboxitems which are checked by default. Using the "UnselectAll" button clears the list of items?!
I want the user to be able to select 1 by 1 klick (or 2), not having to uncheck al others one-by-one.

Am I missing something here, is it a bug or is there an other way?

Thanks in advance
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