I need to disable the schema locks from 30 map services and can do it through Server one by one but that would take a long time. I have the following but nothing happens the services don't get schema locks don't get disabled.
import urllib, json
import urllib.request
import requests
def main():
portalURL = r'***'
username = '***'
password = '***'
new_token = generateToken(username, password, portalURL)
# edit a service
serviceURL = '***/arcgis/admin/***.MapServer'
params = {'f': 'json', 'token': new_token}
req = urllib.request.Request(serviceURL, urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode("utf-8"))
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
data = json.load(response)
data["Properties"]["schemaLockingEnabled"] = "false"
# Serialize back into JSON
updatedSvcJson = json.dumps(data)
# Call the edit operation on the service. Pass in modified JSON.
editSvcURL = serviceURL + "/edit"
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
params_e = urllib.parse.urlencode({'token':new_token, 'f': 'json', 'service': updatedSvcJson})
r = requests.post(editSvcURL, params_e, headers = headers)
def generateToken(username, password, portalUrl):
'''Retrieves a token to be used with API requests.'''
parameters = urllib.parse.urlencode({'username' : username,
'password' : password,
'client' : 'referer',
'referer': portalUrl,
'expiration': 60,
'f' : 'json'}).encode("utf-8")
response = urllib.request.urlopen(portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/generateToken?',parameters).read()
jsonResponse = json.loads(response)
if 'token' in jsonResponse:
return jsonResponse['token']
elif 'error' in jsonResponse:
for detail in jsonResponse['error']['details']:
except ValueError:
print('An unspecified error occurred.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
I would strongly suggest using the ArcGIS Python API for this. Using the arcgis.gis.server module, you can update the service JSON. Combined with a few other classes in the same module, you can easily search for or list multiple services, then update their JSON iteratively.
Thank you for the suggestion but I would like to stay with python. Python API would be a total different world for me. Do you know of an example of what I am wanting to do with Python API ?