Which GeoProcessing Tool deletes all the Feature Class records and ALL the attachments?
Assuming it's in a geodatabase, rather than AGOL, you want to use Truncate on both the feature class ("....gdb\exampleFc") and the attachment table ("....gdb\exampleFc__ATTACH") Note: There are two underscores before ATTACH
OK so there is on tool that does both I have to address but the FC and Attach Table
Yes this is an enterprise GDB
Yes, run it twice.
If I use Append ... does that add Features and Attachments back ?
It depends.
Append would definitely work to add the features back in to your feature class.
Attachments are a little more complicated. Appending from another Attachment table would get the records in, but you'd manually have to change the relGlobalID to make them match.
Using the Add Attachments (and generate match table) tool is slower, but it works on attachments sitting in a folder.
Not really following the attachments part...
Assuming the FC and Attachments in the target are EMPTY
Not sure how that workflow works....
To be honest, I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish here.
If you empty both tables, append in the features to the feature class.
From there, you have the following options:
I have hundreds of attachments if not thousands...
I dont understand this workflow