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Database/ field editing performance regarding contingent values?

09-07-2023 01:24 PM
Frequent Contributor


I have a quick question regarding contingent values and the potential impacts that it may have on performance either with editing in the field or the database itself. I have a script that creates all potential combinations and adds them as contingent values. Depending on what limitations or restrictions I set, I get a varying number of possible outcomes ranging from 300 to over 1000. Here is part of the script that I have that creates all possible combinations and returns a list of strings that are then added as contingent values.


from itertools import permutations, combinations

# Contingent values function
def CreateContingentStringValues( Fields, Condition, DomainType, DomainCodes, Constraints, SetNullConditions,  ExistingValues ):
    Equal, NotEqual, GreatThan, LessThan = '=', '!=', '>', '<' 
    FieldIndexing = { fieldname : index for index, fieldname in enumerate( Fields ) }
    Combinations = None
    if len( Fields ) >= 2:
        if Condition == NotEqual:
            Combinations = list( list( combinations( DomainCodes, len( Fields ) ) ) )
        elif Condition == Equal:
            Combinations = list( list( permutations( DomainCodes, len( Fields ) ) ) )
        elif Condition in [ GreatThan, LessThan ]:
    ValidCombinations = []
    if Combinations:
        for Combination in Combinations:
            ValidateCombinations = len( set( Constraints ).intersection( set( Combination ) ) ) < 2
            CombinationOrder = [ Constraints[ value ] for value in Combination if value in Constraints ]
            SortedOrder = sorted( CombinationOrder, reverse = True )
            ValidateOrder = all( [ True if any( [ a == b, a > b ] ) else False for a, b in zip( SortedOrder, CombinationOrder ) ] )
            if all( [ ValidateCombinations, SetNullConditions not in Combination, ValidateOrder ] ):
                ValidCombinations += [ Combination ]
    ValuesString = [ ]
    if ValidCombinations:
        for Combination in ValidCombinations:
            FieldValueDict = dict( zip(  Fields, Combination ) )
            ListStrFieldNameValue = [ f'{ FieldName } { DomainType } { FieldValueDict[ FieldName ] }' for FieldName in FieldValueDict ]
            StrValue = ';'.join( ListStrFieldNameValue )
            if StrValue not in ExistingValues:
                ValuesString += [ StrValue ]
    if type( SetNullConditions ) is str:
        ListStrFieldNameValue = [ f'{ FieldName } { DomainType } { SetNullConditions }'  if FieldIndexing[ FieldName ] == 0 else  f'{ FieldName } NULL { SetNullConditions }' for FieldName in FieldIndexing ]
        StrValue = ';'.join( ListStrFieldNameValue )
        if StrValue not in ExistingValues:
            ValuesString += [ StrValue ]
    return ValuesString


It works but my concern is the impact that it may have on our field editors. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.

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