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Data Interoperability QuickImport to pass MapInfo TAB Files to a Geodatabase

06-23-2022 11:34 PM
New Contributor II

Has anyone tried to create a Python stand-alone script to pass MapInfo TAB files to a File Geodatabase?

I'm trying a simple script, but I can't seem to make it work:

import arcpy

arcpy.QuickImport_interop(r'MITAB,"C:\path_to_tab"', r"C:\path_to_gdb")

(TAB file and GDB file directories are just made-up for example purpose)

I've been getting Error 999999 every time. I tried using the tool on ArcGIS Pro and it works. I tried copying the generated Python code from ArcGIS Pro and got the same error.

ArcGIS Pro version 2.8

Python environment from ArcGIS Pro installation

Data Interoperability extension is installed and has an activated licensed

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